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Archive for December, 2010

Iatrogenic Illness!

Our medical establishment within the United States is typically very good in a crisis situation or emergency, but horribly inadequate when it comes to longterm human health. In fact, nearly 20% of all adult illnesses in the United States are caused by the very medical treatment we seek – this is known as iatrogenic illness. On the other hand, your human body is perfectly suited to self-healing when given the proper tools – lacerations heal, broken bones mend and the seasonal flu soon fades. So, why seek outside, what you can find from within? If you know the tools required for good health, then you certainly know the healer already.

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The Way Nature Intended!

I’ve experienced greater enjoyment and deeper meaning through self-discovery – the way nature intended us by design – than blindly following society’s values and expectations of me.

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Mountain Bike 12 Hours in Papago Park 01/08/2011

Four Peaks Brewing 12 Hours of Papago presented by Excel and Beyond Coaching, will test you like never before.  Get ready for a slightly revised, highly entertaining course for 2011.  This will kick off your New Year and get you started on that New Years Resolution…and possibly kick you in the backside as well…which quite honestly is sometimes what you need….ride your bike by yourself (solo), with a friend (duo), or with 3 friends (quad)…do this on a looped course in Tempe’s infamous Papago Park for 12 hours…it’s that simple…you’ll have a good time…and if not…well….you should’ve.  In the interest of keeping it fair, if you have a Coed Duo or Quad relay team, that gals must log laps counts within 2 laps of the highest number of laps by a guy on the team. 

The Quick ‘n Dirty…

Also new for 2011, every participant who finished at least one lap will receive a Four Peaks Brewing 12 Hours of Papago Finisher’s beanie!

Schedule of Events

Friday, January 7, 2011

3:00PM-7:00PM – Registration and Packet Pickup – Landis Cyclery/Sole Sports Tempe, Rural and Warner

Saturday, January 8, 2011

5:00AM – Venue open for day-camp setup

5:00AM – 6:45AM – Registration and Packet Pickup

5:00AM – 6:45AM – Timing chip distribution – you only need one if you want results

6:50AM – Staging for the start

6:55AM – National Anthem

7:00AM – START – It’s on!!!

1:00PM – 7:00PM – Four Peaks Brewing Beer Garden Open

5:00PM – Must have headlights to go back out on course

6:59PM – Last rider allowed out on course

~7:30PM – Awards Ceremony at the Beer Garden

Registration and Packet Pickup

You have two opportunities to pick up your packet and register last minute for the race.  See the schedule above.  Each rider will receive a bike number plate, event tee, goodie bag, free beer ticket and wristband if you are over 21 years old.

Team and Solo Day-Camp Setups

You can begin setting up your day-camps at 5:00AM and space will be available on a first come, first serve basis.  Solo Alley will be on both sides of the course, immediately after the Beer Garden.  Team camps will be on the left (west) side Lakeview Drive, heading up the hill.  Check out the Venue Map for details.

LeMans Start

This race will start LeMans style.  There will be bike racks at the start for your teammates may hold your bike.  The start will be on Lakeview Dr. and you’ll be running about 100 yards on pavement before getting on your bikes and heading up the hill and onto the course.

Chip Timing

The race will be chip timed.  You must pickup your timing chip the morning of the event.  Solo riders must wear the timing chip the entire day.  Relay riders must transfer the chip to the next rider after checking in at the timing tent each lap.  There will be Rider Relay area designated.  Chips will be on a Velcro ankle band so they will be easy to transfer.  You must dismount your bike before entering the timing tent.


Here’s the deal.  All we care about is how many total laps you and/or your team do.  We don’t care who rides which lap, in what order, etc.   The exception to this is the Coed Relay teams.  For the Coed’s, the female rider(s) must do within 2 laps of the highest male lap count for the team.  So if the highest male lap count is 6 , the female rider(s) must do between 4-8 laps.  We will be keeping track of the female lap counts on the Duo and Quad Coed teams.  You may choose to ignore this rule and ride as many laps as you like, but your Coed team will not be eligible for awards.  Cool?

Four Peaks Brewing Beer Garden

The Beer Garden will be open all day with music, videos, updated results, etc., but the Four Peaks Beer will not start flowing until 1:00.  You will receive one free beer ticket in your goodie bag, and additional tickets may be purchased for $3.00, with all proceeds going to Chances for Children, Arizona.  You must also wear a wristband, which you will receive at Registration, letting the servers know you are 21 years old.

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Fact: Vegetarians are Healthier!

An organic vegetarian diet is a much richer source of vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and fiber than a meat based, non-vegetarian diet.  So, at the very least, you might want to pretend to be a vegetarian when you’re not busy consuming animal products.

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The Killer Western Diet!

The killer western diet contains too many saturated fats, as well as, too many altered fatty acids (e.g. hydrogenated oils and trans fats). In addition, the western diet contains too many low quality calories, too much protein and too little of the essential fatty acids (specifically Omega 3). Because there’s too little consumption of vegetables (and secondly fruits) essential minerals and vitamins, antioxidants and natural fiber are dangerously lacking as well. When essential nutrients go missing in our diet for an extended period of time degenerative disease soon manifests.

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Strength From Weakness!

If you listen to it, if you work with it, if you apply yourself and you persist in it… your weakness will grow to be your strength.

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Sugar Worth Eating!

Raw, unfiltered, uncooked honey is full of antioxidants and micro-nutrients… so much so, that nutrition research doesn’t fully understand all of the components and properties contained within it. If you crave sugar… you may want to take a look at “Raw Honey” as a great nutritional resource. 

Where to Find: Trader Joe’s offers an uncooked, unfiltered and simply delicious “Creamed Honey” product (pictured below) as well as a Raw Organic Honey product.

Important to Note: most honey products are highly processed; cooked, cleaned, filtered and nearly destroyed in processing – these should be avoided.

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There’s nothing superficial about this life…

My on-going physical discipline has not been an accident… and there’s nothing superficial about it. In fact, my physical movement over the previous 25 years has been primarily motivated by memories. Memories of mistakes that I’ve made, weakness that I’ve displayed and a few specific relationships that I’ve mishandled. I can’t make all things right in the past, I obviously don’t have that kind of power, but I certainly don’t have to make the same mistakes again.

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Powerful Communication!

What you do and how you behave is the most powerful method of communication available.

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Be in the Present!

Peace of mind and acceptance of the present are powerful characteristics to possess.

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Fried Food is a Disaster!

Although fried food is extremely prevalent in our western culture… it shouldn’t be mistaken as a viable option for human nutrition. In fact, there’s nothing remotely life giving about it; yet, that’s what your daily food selection and ingestion should provide. From cell destruction, to systemic blood vessel damage, to a compromised immune system, to eventual cancers, strokes and heart disease, this genre of edible “food like substances” should have no place in your diet.


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Custom Energy Bars!

I happened to be the fortunate recepient of this fun gift idea “Create Your Own Custom Energy Bar”.

Want a discount on the bars? Follow this link:  


From the flavor profiles of your energy bar (via nuts, fruit, chocolate chips, honey and even maple syrup) to the amount of protein, fiber and antioxidants you prefer… you’re simply in charge of this creation. 

Importantly, the nutritional facts, as well as the ingredients list of the bar you’re creating, is prominently displayed, on the same page, as you make your custom selections. 

Remember: you should always know what you’re eating. No one cares more about your health than you do. Don’t know the ingredients? Don’t know the nutritional facts? Then you probably shouldn’t be eating it…


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Emotional Intelligence!

Emotional intelligence is very important to our overall contentment in life, but what exactly constitutes emotional intelligence? Is it our ability to perceive an emotion accurately and then being able to clearly explain it to others? Is it the ability to recognize the significance of the perception that we’re experiencing and learning from it and then later applying what we’ve learned? Perhaps it’s simply understanding the way that we’re currently feeling, but controlling our behavior for the proper response; instead of letting our emotions get the best of us? Although emotional intelligence may be difficult to clearly define in short order here, a book may be more fitting, we certainly know it when we see it in others. Perhaps the best and shortest definition of emotional intelligence can be summed up succinctly in one word… wisdom; and although they may not be exactly the same by definition, by working on one of these two precious gems you’ll certainly find the other.

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Hydrogenation is Toxic!

Hydrogenated (including partially hydrogenated) oils (a.k.a trans fats) have been used widely in the national food industry since the 1930’s. However, if these “franken-oils” were introduced today into our national food supply they would NEVER get past the front door of the FDA. They’re nutritionally corrupt, useless and more importantly, toxic to the human body. The food industry continues to use these oils because they’re cheap and they provide a long shelf-life for their various products, which simply maximizes their overall profitability. The oil industry responsible for this toxic ingredient is massive and very powerful; the lobbyists representing these powerful companies in Congress continue to vehemently resist change. 

Yet, change is coming… albeit very slowly. For example, New York City in 2006, became the first US city to pass legislation to ban the use of all hydrogenated cooking oils in food preparation; but this initial mandate doesn’t go far enough or reach wide enough to save lives.

Hydrogenated oils, animal and vegetable shortening, as well as all margarines contain Trans Fats and they should NOT be consumed at all! However, the majority of restaurants prepare and serve this ingredient in nearly all of their dishes. Therefore, this is one more reason to eat at home (where you can know your ingredients and method of preparation) or dine at restaurants that only serve whole food or natural ingredients.

Such as Joe’s Farmhouse and Grill located in Gilbert:


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Echinacea Nonsense!

The largest study yet, of the popular herbal remedy echinacea, finds it does not nothing to prevent or fight the common cold.

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Finished Reading: Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill

This is the third edition of the same book that I read nearly ten years ago by Udo Erasmus.


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Lifespan of Running Shoes?

The common wisdom surrounding running shoes is that they last around 500 miles or for approximately 6 months – whichever comes first.  This bit of shoe wisdom is a complete myth, entirely untrue and should be ignored. In fact, new shoes cause as many running injuries as older shoes do.  Therefore, simply use your personal discretion when deciding upon a new pair of running shoes and ignore the marketing dogma.    

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Organic Black Mission Figs!

If you have a sweet tooth and you’re looking for a nutritious treat… you might try the “Made In Nature Organic Black Mission Figs” that are sold currently at Costco (they’re also sold on Amazon as well).  The organic figs are naturally sun-dried, full of natural fiber and dense with micro-nutritents… all this without any *artificial preservatives. 

*Your dried fruit of choice should never contain sulfur or sulphites as their preservative – these compounds are widely known as allergens and cancer promoters. 

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Trader Joe’s Organic Produce is Excellent!

Over the years, Trader Joe’s has continued to improve their organic produce selection.  From organic sweet potatoes to kiwi fruit, from organic pears to green peppers… Trader Joe’s continues to make eating well, fast and easy.  In fact, their organic pre-washed and bagged mixed salads – of many variety – are convenient, simple and cost effective.  Moreover, you can top it off with Trader Joe’s “Lowfat Parmesan Ranch Dressing” (where lowfat really does mean lowfat with this dressing).

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Business Growth Plans?

No desire to change a single thing guys.  Thank you, to those who make it possible to live this lifestyle with a continued sense of balance and the wisdom it provides naturally; it truly is a dream for me.

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7-Day Training Cycles are Often Too Simple!

Training for weight-loss, stress-reduction, disease prevention, health and fitness? Then the 7-day training cycle is appropriate and works just fine for the majority of active, healthy adults.  On the other hand, performance improvements generally require more flexibility than a 7-day training schedule can provide.  In other words, the majority of breakthrough or “push your current limit” workouts, whether in resistance or endurance training, are better suited to your body’s schedule, not the 7-day calendar.  For example, planning your long running day or speed intervals at your local track, every sunday and wednesday respectively, typically leads to exhaustion and lack of compliance within a few short weeks.  Furthermore, a flexible resistance training program is applicable here as well; larger muscles require more time to recover adequately, especially when other muscles and soft tissues are damaged simultaneously or you’re consistently mixing it up with serious endurance training.

The best training method currently?  Don’t plan your breakthrough workouts or your heavy resistance training on a rigid training schedule.  Remain flexible and listen to your body, modify each important workout appropriately to your current and perceived physical conditions.

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McDowell Mountain Frenzy 25K (15.5 mile) Trail Run

McDowell Park Mountain Frenzy

25K Trail Run (15.5 miles)

Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 8am

McDowell Mountain Regional Park in Fountain Hills, AZ

See you there!

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Doctors are Not Fitness Experts!

Doctors of all variety are educated in crisis intervention, symptom control and disease management.  That’s it – plain and simple. 

So, if you ‘re looking to a doctor (from an MD to a local Chiropractor) to learn how to swim effectively in this vast ocean of fitness information available today (e.g., on the television, on the internet, in printed word or by word of mouth) than you’re most likely going to end-up simply drowning in it.

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Bullsh*t & Half-Truths!

The health and fitness industry is rampant with irresponsible marketing, greedy capitalists, as well as models, celebrities, novice personal trainers and doctors who pass themselves off as experts; nothing but half-truths and vast confusion for the many who are deeply interested in this very personal subject.  If you want and need clear, factual information, in simple and understandable terms, you need to pick your resources and advisors carefully.

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The Heart Attack Grill!

The locally owned “Heart Attack Grill” Restaurant is a gross and moronic concept by any and all intellectual standards.  But, minus it’s blantant and open disrespect for longterm health of its customers, it differs very little from the majority of restaurants available anywhere in the United States today.

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100% Juice is Not a Serving of Produce!

100% vegetable or fruit juice counts as a serving of vegetables or fruit by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).  Well, quite frankly, it’s NOT a serving of anything but liquid sugar.  You’re either eating a whole piece of fruit or a whole vegetable, the way nature intended it, or you’re simply not getting a serving of produce.  This goes for supplements (powders, capsules and pills), yogurt, french fries, frozen yogurt, vegetable snack chips and any other product some agency or company has defined as a substitute for produce.  Fruits and vegetables are currently way too complicated to reproduce – so there’s NO substitute for produce.    

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Runner’s Den/Fiesta Bowl Half Marathon and 5K

The 23rd Annual Runner’s Den/Fiesta Bowl Half Marathon and 5K Run


Scottsdale Civic Center Plaza
75th St and Main St
Scottsdale, AZ
Weather Forecast


Registration and Pick up Opens, 6:00 AM
Half Marathon Run, 7:30 AM
5K Run, 7:35 AM
5K Walk, 7:37 AM

Register Now!

Register online
Download a printable form to register in person or by mail


Both courses are flat and fast loops touring scenic Scottsdale and Gainey Ranch. The Half Marathon course is USATF certified. Aid at start/finish, 2.5, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 & 12 miles. Download a course map here.

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Finished Reading: Brain Training for Runners

The author of this book – amongest several others – is Matt Fitzgerald… he’s increasingly becoming more influential as a coach and author.

I recommend his books for the advanced athlete; they’re insightful, well written and smart.


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Every individual is solely responsible for giving his or her own life meaning and for living that life passionately and sincerely in spite of the many obstacles to living our lives well.  Obstacles that include depression, discomfort, fear, despair, frustration, anxiety, disease, inequality, injustice, loneliness, hopelessness and even boredom.  Existentialism, appreciates by definition, lives that are defined and led by authenticity… and, by those who are on the road to becoming their genuine “true-selves”.   

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Best Sports Injury Method!

The best sports injury method available today is… TIME (otherwise known as rest)! 

Doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, as well as other various healers, have come up with a litany of methods to accelerate the healing process.  But, if these practitioners are being honest with you – as well as themselves – they’ll tell you that their methods work no quicker and certainly no better, then the use of time. 

The human body is the best healing practioner available today and it provides the best methods of healing; wisdom and patience are really the only other ingredients required.

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