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Every individual is solely responsible for giving his or her own life meaning and for living that life passionately and sincerely in spite of the many obstacles to living our lives well.  Obstacles that include depression, discomfort, fear, despair, frustration, anxiety, disease, inequality, injustice, loneliness, hopelessness and even boredom.  Existentialism, appreciates by definition, lives that are defined and led by authenticity… and, by those who are on the road to becoming their genuine “true-selves”.   

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Best Sports Injury Method!

The best sports injury method available today is… TIME (otherwise known as rest)! 

Doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, as well as other various healers, have come up with a litany of methods to accelerate the healing process.  But, if these practitioners are being honest with you – as well as themselves – they’ll tell you that their methods work no quicker and certainly no better, then the use of time. 

The human body is the best healing practioner available today and it provides the best methods of healing; wisdom and patience are really the only other ingredients required.

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Easy on the Supplements!

For the past few years vitamin D has been the “It” vitamin, myriad studies trumpeting the supplement’s role in strengthening bones, reducing the risk of various types of cancers, heart disease, as well as fighting autoimmune diseases, even diabetes have been abundantly reported.  But current longterm research finds that there’s no proof that mega-doses of vitamin D prevent cancer, diabetes or other deleterious conditions as previously thought.  More importantly, longterm research is showing that mega-doses of vitamin D may cause the very diseases that were meant to be avoided.

Vitamin D is the latest supplement to have been heavily touted based on animal studies and human observation, yet, it failed to live up to expectations during rigorous longterm testing.  Furthermore, vitamin C and vitamin E supplements, as well as beta carotene and lycopene supplements were believed to prevent cancer and/or heart disease, but after longterm studies, they didn’t pan out and sometimes they even caused disease as well.

Bottom line: Organic Vegetables, Organic Fruits and Whole Grains are the answer – NOT supplements in the majority of cases.

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Desired Lifestyle is a Personal Choice!

If a specific, desired lifestyle is truly important to you, then you need to make purposeful decisions everyday that reflect that desired lifestyle.  From personal behavior and habits, to tastes and myriad purchases; from positive or negative attitudes, to your level of moral standards; from moment to moment reactions, to the longterm chosen career and social company that you keep, they all constitute the lifestyle that you’ve chosen for yourself. 

Choose wisely.

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Training For Confidence!

Your fitness training program should increase your confidence… this is a very important point that’s lost on many.  In other words, you must become more competent at what you’re doing to reach your fitness goals.  For illustration, select an activity that you initially enjoy, work to become more competent at it and you’ll find with increased competence comes increased confidence.  Confidence, in turn, fuels increased enjoyment of the activity and with increased enjoyment of the activity comes increased adherence.  Greater adherence to an activity leads to increased fitness and with increased fitness comes the confidence quality once again.  Train for confidence.

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Fruits and Vegetables that Contain the Most Pesticides!

We can reduce our exposure to pesticides SIGNIFICANTLY (by up to 80 percent) by buying the organic version of the following 12 items:

Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Blueberries, Nectarines, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens, Cherries, Potatoes, Grapes and Lettuce

Fact: 1 in 3 people, living and eating within the United States, will get cancer in their lifetime. 

Pesticides are poison – and many varieties of pesticide can be used on a single produce item.  In fact, all of the above mentioned items tested positive for over 30 different types of pesticide residue.

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The Farm at South Mountain (for Lunch)

The Restaurant’s Story:

Born from an ancient riverbed that blessed the grounds with naturally-rich soil, The Farm’s vision of sustainability was originally conceived by Dwight Heard (benefactor of the Heard Museum) in the early 1920’s. He acquired a large parcel of land and then subdivided the property into two-acre parcels which he sold for the whopping sum of $1,150 with the distinct purpose of promoting self-sufficiency. Heard offered a cow and fifty chickens with each purchase.

In keeping with the early philosophy, the ten acres just south of Southern and 32nd Street was planted with 100 pecan trees, and for over 40 years was nurtured by a retired cattleman by the name of Skeeter Coverdale. Ultimately Skeeter determined it was too much work to care for the trees and harvest the 5,000 pounds of nuts each year. He wanted to move to Punkin Center where he could buy a trailer, “drink beer, swat flies, and tell lies” – so he did!

Today, the owner A. Wayne Smith has preserved the wondrous sense of rural tranquility and vision of sustainability with independently owned businesses that contribute to the cultural, educational, restorative and economic environments that thrive on the historic land. According to Gourmet Magazine, dining beneath the pecan trees at The Farm “… is a spiritual experience for those who journey to this 12-acre organic oasis.”

The Farm Kitchen (lunch only) is the original restaurant at The Farm serving delicious sandwiches, fresh soups, seasonal salads and made-from-scratch baked goods in picnic baskets.  Relax alone under the shady pecan trees or bring a group to celebrate an occasion. Kid friendly, dog friendly and perfect for Baby Showers, Birthday Parties, Wedding Showers, Rehearsal Dinners, as well as social and family gatherings. 

“Finest Arizona Wedding Site” – 2010 Frontdoors News Network

“Best Local Treasure” – 2010 AZCentral.com Best of Awards

“Best Patio Dining” – 2010 AZCentral.com Best of Awards

“Top 10 Dog Friendly Restaurants Nationwide” – Petside.com

“Business That Gets It” – 2010 Social Media AZ SMAZZIE Awards

“Best Patio Dining” – 2008 Phoenix New Times Best of Awards

“Best Picnic Under Pecan Trees” – Arizona Highways Magazine

6106 S. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85042
(just south of Southern on the west side of 32nd Street)
(602) 276-7288

Closed Monday!  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-3pm

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Earning Respect…

No matter what we do, no matter how much effort we put forward, no matter what and who we become… we cannot win everyone’s respect.

Nevertheless, these aforementioned qualities do play a critical role in winning our own respect… and that’s certainly more important and longer lasting.

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How Much is Enough?

The majority of the world currently lives in wretched poverty and endemic disease – how much do you and I really need to live well?

Perhaps we shouldn’t be comparing ourselves to just our neighbors…

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Most Nutrient Rich Food!

Vegetables are far and away the most nutrient rich food available; meaning they provide the most vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fats, protein and fiber for the least amount of calories.  By contrast, they’re the least consumed food in this nation in their natural state (rather then super-heated or processed)! 

Consume a wide variety of clean, colorful vegetables (and organic when possible) in their most natural state daily… and weight-loss and good health are nearly assured when coupled with consistent exercise and rest.

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Is it Nature or Nurture?

The question frequently asked, “is this current or future problem genetic (a.k.a nature) or is it primarily the result of what I’ve been doing (a.k.a. nurture)?” 

Well, it’s fast becoming clear that it doesn’t matter what the answer to this classic question is – it’s simply the wrong question that’s continually being asked.

Virtually everything experienced in your life is something that you can do something about, regardless of its origination.

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Arcadia Farms Restaurants!

For over twenty years Arcadia Farms has used local organically grown, pesticide-free, hormone-free and trans fat-free ingredients in all recipe.  In addition, Arcadia Farms promotes sustainable cuisine by supporting local farmers and inspiring the public to make healthy food choices.  3 locations!


Arcadia Farms, Scottsdale
Phoenix Art Museum Café
Arcadia Farms, Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts

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Hippocrates Knew Best!

Let healthy and nutritious food be your medicine… and, if we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.

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RAW Nuts and Seeds!

Organic RAW nuts and seeds support good health and are a tremendous resource for dense, natural nutrition! They should be purchased in small bags and kept refrigerated between uses; the oils contained within a nut or seed are highly perishable when exposed to oxygen. They should not be purchased from grocery store bulk bins or in large quantities for the same reason mentioned above. Dry roasted is never a good choice, the valuable oils have been destroyed through the roasting process and have lost the health qualities they once possesed.  And, although extremely healthy, nuts and seeds should be consumed in small quantities because of the density of their calories.

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“Whole Foods” Defined!

Whole foods are typically grown – not made!  They’re unprocessed and unrefined (or at least contain very little of either) before being consumed. Whole foods typically don’t contain added ingredients such as sugar, salt, fat, various chemicals or artificial ingredients.  They’re grown the way nature intended them (or at least as close as possible) before being molded by human ingenuity. 

For example, sunflower seeds being placed inside a press to be squeezed of their oil is an example of processing (albeit minimal processing).  On the other hand, the sunflower seed in it’s entirety, before being pressed of its oil, is an example of a whole food.  Furthermore, a naturally grown chicken or turkey and the flesh they produce, is considered whole food until adulterated or combined with extraneous ingredients such as the ones mentioned above.

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Don’t Cook with Oils!

Regardless of the oil variety and long before it’s particular smoke point, heated oil is damaged unhealthily during the process of cooking.  This carcinogenic (cancer promoting) heat damage is not safe for consumption and because it’s done frequently and with many foods, day after day and year after year, your exposure to its ill-effects are numerous.  The healthier alternatives when cooking with heat, are boiling water or steam, as well as animal or vegetable broths (made from scratch or purchased) and poaching.

Healthy cooking includes steaming, sautéing in broths and poaching over lower heat temperatures and for shorter periods of time.  If you insist on cooking with oil, olive and canola oils of any variety are not recommended, rather use organic high-oleic sunflower or safflower oils; they withstand high cooking temperatures best.  Moreover, use organic extra virgin olive oil after the cooking is done to spruce up the dish!

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Finished Reading: The World’s Healthiest Foods

Amazon Description:

George Mateljan’s new book takes healthy eating to a whole new level. It presents a unique nutrient-rich approach to the “Healthiest Way of Eating” with 500 Mediterranean-style recipes, most of which take 7 minutes or less to prepare. This book answers the question about what to eat to keep healthy. It focuses on the World’s Healthiest Foods, 100 delicious foods that are nutrient-rich, providing the maximum number of nutrients for the least amount of calories. The book is an inspiration not only for those who want to achieve vibrant health and energy but for those who also want a healthier way to lose weight by making the World’s Healthiest Foods the foundation of their “Healthiest Way of Eating.” The World’s Healthiest Foods are among the most flavorful foods in the world – so you can now eat healthier without sacrificing taste! George also explains why it is not any more expensive to eat healthy. The book complements the material on the whfoods.org website with innovative new ways to maximize the nutritional value of the World’s Healthiest Foods and minimize preparation time using quick and easy recipes that anyone can make.


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Enjoyable Food Experience!

Selecting and eating nutritious whole foods is quite enjoyable; tasting the abundant, natural flavors, carefully cooking with healthy methods (or not cooking them at all) and maintaining good preparation hygiene of the food are all enjoyable experiences.  On the other hand, if this sounds like a great waste of time to you, learning more about food and it’s importance to your health may be something you should reconsider.

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Disease is Lifestyle Related

Research continues to show consistently, that diets including fresh organic vegetables, whole fruits, various beans and nuts, as well as whole grains, are the best way to avoid disease risk factors of nearly every kind.  Remember… 90% – 95% of all human disease is lifestyle related before old age occurs.  

Eat more whole, nutrient rich foods, exercise intelligently and consistently, sleep 7-8 hours each night and minimize your daily stress to stay  healthy.

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Should You Go Gluten Free?

Unless you have *Celiac Disease or find yourself allergic to this protein, there are NO health benefits to going “Gluten Free”. Gluten is a common protein found in particular grains (and various processed products made from these grains) such as wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats; and although Gluten Free products are currently popular, avoiding them holds no health or weight-loss advantages of any kind.     *Celiac disease is an inherited, autoimmune disease in which the
lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating the gluten protein.

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Pomegranate Café


Revitalizing food and pure flavors are at the heart of what we do. At Pomegranate emphasis is on a new way of eating – utilizing fresh organic ingredients to prepare food and drinks that tempt the palate and create wellbeing.

We challenge the stereotype that healthy food is bland or boring. Our delicious vegetarian cuisine and beverages (from fresh fruit shakes to mouth-watering lattes) are created with the belief that taste and presentation are not compromised by the use of wholesome ingredients, but enhanced. Pomegranate Café offers a rich and deeply satisfying experience.

Pomegranate values the symbiotic relationship we share with the earth and recognizes the local community as our livelihood.

Caring for the earth is an essential part of our physical and spiritual wellbeing and a necessity for the longevity of future harvests. Pomegranate uses organic ingredients with an emphasis on seasonal fruits and vegetables. We support small, local farmers and artisans who share our commitment to providing exceptional products with ecologically responsible methods.


Hours: Tuesday-Friday 6:30 AM -3:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday 7 AM – 4 PM  CLOSED MONDAY

Address: 4025 E. Chandler Blvd., Suite 28, Phoenix, AZ 85048
Telephone: (480) 706-7472

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Ahwatukee’s Farmer’s Market (Sun 9-1pm)

Date: Sundays, Year Round Market
Hours: 9am-1pm
Location: on 4700 East Warner Road, Phoenix, Az 85044
(just west of 48th St.)
(Ahwatukee Community Swim and Tennis Center parking lot)

Features: May include fresh, local, and seasonal produce, herbs, flowers, locally made jams, jellies, salsas, fresh baked breads, natural pork, beef and fish and a selection of local arts and crafts. Free admission, free adjacent parking. Also available at this market: Easy credit card shopping! One credit card charge can pay for all your purchases from the vendors!

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Currently Watching: Food Inc. DVD

For most Americans, the ideal meal is fast, cheap, and tasty. Food, Inc. examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition and environmental impact. Director Robert Kenner explores the subject from all angles, talking to authors, advocates, farmers, and CEOs, like co-producer Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma), Gary Hirschberg (Stonyfield Farms), and Barbara Kowalcyk, who’s been lobbying for more rigorous standards since E. coli claimed the life of her two-year-old son. The filmmaker takes his camera into slaughterhouses and factory farms where chickens grow too fast to walk properly, cows eat feed pumped with toxic chemicals, and illegal immigrants risk life and limb to bring these products to market at an affordable cost. If eco-docs tends to preach to the converted, Kenner presents his findings in such an engaging fashion that Food, Inc. may well reach the very viewers who could benefit from it the most: harried workers who don’t have the time or income to read every book and eat non-genetically modified produce every day. Though he covers some of the same ground as Super-Size Me and King Corn, Food Inc. presents a broader picture of the problem, and if Kenner takes an understandably tough stance on particular politicians and corporations, he’s just as quick to praise those who are trying to be responsible–even Wal-Mart, which now carries organic products. That development may have more to do with economics than empathy, but the consumer still benefits, and every little bit counts. –Kathleen C. Fennessy


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Instant Garden!

At Arizona Raised Gardens… you can purchase handbuilt garden boxes with quality untreated lumber and they supply the soil as well!

Examples of Garden Box Products Available:

  1. 4 feet wide 12 feet long, 11 inch soil depth delivered, built and filled with soil. Higley & Baseline area $259.00
  2. 4 feet wide 12 feet long, 27 inch soil depth delivered, built and filled with soil. Keep in mind a garden with this soil depth is more expensive. Fountain Hills area $480.00
  3. 4 foot x 4 foot small herb garden, 11 inch soil depth delivered, built and filled with soil. $109.00 Gilbert area 
  4. 4 foot x 12 foot garden box built and delivered, planter box only, no soil $129.00 Power & Mcdowell area   



Contact Number: 


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Under Extreme Pain Only!

After winning a 24-hour track run in record time, Stephanie Ehret should have been celebrating. Instead, she was in a Phoenix emergency room, vomiting up a strange substance, which a doctor informed her was part of her digestive tract lining.  A few hours later, doctors diagnosed the problem… rhabdomyolysis; a potentially fatal precursor to kidney failure. Though dehydration and overexertion contributed to Ehret’s condition, doctors told her that the 12 ibuprofen pills she’d taken during the 24-hour race had pushed her kidneys into the danger zone.

Runners Beware!
Runners may think that as long as they don’t go overboard like Ehret, they’ll be safe. But experts say the benefits of popping even one pill before a 10K don’t outweigh the risks. NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandins, hormones that help normalize blood flow to the kidneys. Mix an NSAID with physical exertion and dehydration, and you can overwhelm your kidneys.

Moreover, NSAIDs can bump up your blood pressure, and when you add this to the natural rise that occurs when you exercise, “suddenly you have two things increasing your blood pressure,” Graedon says. If you already have high blood pressure, “you could have a mini stroke or a heart attack” he says. NSAIDs also block an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX) that normally protects the heart, and this might explain why many NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, may raise the risk of heart attack.

Some forms of COX also protect the stomach lining from digestive acids, so when an NSAID blocks this enzyme, you may experience nausea, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, and cramps. When used during a marathon or ultra, NSAIDs also seem to boost the risk of hyponatremia, an electrolyte imbalance that can cause the brain to swell. “It’s something you can die of during a race,” says Martin Hoffman, M. D., director of research at the Western States Endurance Run.

Many runners believe that NSAIDs increase their pain tolerance, but studies contradict this notion. In 2005, David Nieman, Dr. P.H., director of the human performance lab at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, examined ibuprofen use at Western States. About 70 percent of the racers said they took it to help them manage the discomfort of racing. But when he measured pain and muscle soreness in these pill poppers, he found no reduction compared with nonusers. Worse, ibuprofen takers had more inflammation. “There’s no good reason to use ibuprofen during a race,” Nieman says. “There are too many potential negatives.” Any pain and inflammation that turns up while running is not something you should medicate but a signal that it’s time to reevaluate your training regimen, he says.

StrengthLab “PainKiller” Drugs Bottom Line:  use under extreme pain situations only (i.e. after surgery, serious accidental injury, etc.)!  If you’re simply uncomfortable… wait it out, find the solution or mitigate the discomfort with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation of the injury (RICE). 

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In Just 1 Hour!

In just one hour, within the United States, 1 million land animals are killed or slaughtered for food.  That’s 10 billion each year, just in the United States, and that doesn’t include any animals or fish pulled from a body of water.  Currently, there’s 307 million Americans of various ages… so does this statistic represent an over-indulgence in animal protein to you? 

The point here: eat less protein and consume more organic produce!

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~Organic Labels Defined~

The “100% Organic” label is self explanatory; every step along the way in making a particular product and every ingredient used within that particular product are required to be organic or “the way nature intended it”.  The next label defined, simply printed “Organic” requires that 95% of the steps and ingredients within a particular product are certified organic.  Lastly, the “Made With Organic” label only requires 75% of a particular product contain certified organic procedures and ingredients.

The point being made here… make sure to read and understand your labels.  Some companies use the “made with organic” label to fool customers into paying a premium for their products, when the definition is quite loose indeed. 

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The Phoenix Public Library

Why buy a book, when you can simply borrow it? 

The Phoenix Public Library makes it easy to borrow a book of your choice by simply going to their on-line catalog and placing a hold on it. 

If they don’t have it within their catalog – simply suggest it and they’ll most likely get it!    

Phoenix Public Library On-Line Catalog:  http://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/default.jsp

To “Suggest a Purchase” through the Phoenix Public Library On-line Catalog:  https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/spfrm.jsp?id=6096

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The Price We Pay for Food

We pay less for our food, according to many statistics, than any other nation in history; but we’re paying a huge premium with our “good health” in vivid contrast.  What a deal, where’s the benefit in this?  Probably within our ability to feed a larger number of people?  Sounds fair enough.  But if you personally can afford to eat better, you should readily recognize the truth “hidden right here in plain sight” and do so.

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Why I avoid Eating Cow…

Cow (or the less offensive name beef) is too high in saturated fats for starters.  Saturated fats are lipids that are congealed at room temperatures that have NO health benefits to the human body whatsoever.  On the other hand, saturated fats certainly have many health risks associated with them… including higher risk factors for heart disease, cancer and strokes.  

In addition, 65% of all cattle slaughtered for food in this country are treated with six different hormones to help them gain size more readily and these hormones are increasing our cancer rates as well (breast, prostate and colon).  Hormones are very powerful molecules and you don’t want them instigating or ceasing activities in your body without knowing full well what their long-term effects will be.

Moreover, the numerous antibiotics we casually feed our cows to prevent outbreaks of disease on the crowded, filthy industrial farms and the environmental cost of raising so many cattle as a food resource are sad stories saved for another post. 

A quick side note: 2,500 cows generate as much waste (manure and urine) as 411,000 human beings.

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Reading: FOOD INC.

“How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter and Poorer – and What You Can Do About It”

Available on DVD as well as Book form…


Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About It

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Shopping for food…

To be healthy and to remain healthy, we should discriminate heavily when shopping for food.

What we consume is inevitably what we become; whether we eat nefarious chemicals that eventually lead to disease or we ingest natural life providing organic matter that eventually lead to vitality, the end result is our choice to make through careful selection of food. 

Nevertheless, being ultra careful with food choices lends itself to fewer options on the surface.  So, for the best results, we should frequent a variety of grocery stores and “cherry pick” the items we need to nourish our minds and bodies for greatest benefit. 

From your favorite local grocery store, to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Sprouts and Fresh’n Easy, to even Costco and Sam’s Club, the healthy items are readily available and at good prices – you simply need to be willing to put in the time and widen your food shopping net.

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Consume This Fish Oil!

A potent, cleaner source of the vital and all important Omega 3’s that we all need to consume in our diets. This essential fatty acid product isn’t an option for your health – it’s essential and necessary for your health.

Product Description

The “Very Finest Fish Oil” comes from deep, cold, ocean-water fish. It is processed and bottled in Norway to insure maximum freshness. Take by the teaspoonful, mix with foods, try it on salads! It has a refreshing lemon taste. THIS PRODUCT is regularly tested (using AOAC international protocols) for freshness, potency and purity by an independent, FDA-registered laboratory and has been determined to be fresh, fully potent and free of detectable levels of mercury, cadmium, lead, PCB’s and 28 other contaminants.

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids!

In an extensive study, investigators compared the amount of Omega 3’s in the blood of all their test subjects and concluded that the risk of sudden cardiac death was reduced by 90% in those whose levels were the highest.  Furthermore, arrhythmias (an abnormal heart rhythm) were reduced by 90% as well.

This is yet another reason to consume Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet regularly – healthy heart function.

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The fire of life…

“The fire of life seems to burn brighter in some than others.” 

By D.S. Miller

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A Good Fresh Food Resource!

“The Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition: How to Buy, Store, and Prepare Every Variety of Fresh Food”

Product Description

Here is a comprehensive guide to more than 500 fresh and whole foods – all the familiar ones you are likely to find in a supermarket or greengrocer’s, along with more exotic fare, from amaranth to tomatillo. A user-friendly format supplies all the information you need to compare, select, and prepare foods – so that you know you are buying the best for you and your family. Every food entry provides: 1) Latest findings on the links between foods and disease prevention 2) Nutritional profiles showing calories and carbohydrates, protein, fats, fiber and key vitamins and minerals 3) Comprehensive listings of different types and varieties 4) Shopping tips for choosing the freshest foods – and where and when they’re available 5) Best storage methods to preserve taste and nutritional value 6) Cooking and preparation tips for retaining a food’s nutrients 7) Creative serving suggestions that include delicious new ideas along with healthier ways to prepare traditional dishes. Color photographs, charts, cooking glossary, complete nutritional directory, and hundreds of tips, shortcuts and food facts are included.


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Finished Reading: The Queen of Fats

“Why Omega-3’s Were Removed From The Western Diet and What We Can Do To Replace Them”

Product Description

A nutritional whodunit that takes readers from Greenland to Africa to Israel, The Queen of Fats gives a fascinating account of how we have become deficient in a nutrient that is essential for good health: the fatty acids known as omega-3s. Writing with intelligence and passion, Susan Allport tells the story of these vital fats, which are abundant in greens and fish, among other foods. She describes how scientists came to understand the role of omega-3s in our diet, why commercial processing has removed them from the food we eat, and what the tremendous consequences have been for our health. In many Western countries, epidemics of inflammatory diseases and metabolic disorders have been traced to omega-3 deficiencies. The Queen of Fats provides information for every consumer who wants to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and obesity and to improve brain function and overall health. This important and compelling investigation into the discovery, science, and politics of omega-3s will transform our thinking about what we should be eating.
Key Points:
* Includes steps you can take to add omega-3s to your diet
* Shows why eating fish is not the only way or even the best way to increase omega-3s.
* Provides a new way to understand the complex advice about the role and importance of fats
* Explains how and why the food industry has created a deadly imbalance of fats in our foods
* Shows how omega-3s can be reintroduced to our diet through changes in the feeding of livestock


The Queen of Fats: Why Omega-3s Were Removed from the Western Diet and What We Can Do to Replace Them (California Studies in Food and Culture)

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Fitness Enthusiasts and their Equipment!

Fitness enthusiasts use new equipment as both a justification of their commmitment to their chosen athletic endeavors, as well as a significant symbol to others of their serious athletic intent; whether they’re consciously aware of it or not. 

Believe me when I tell you, serious fitness enthusiasts don’t spend a lot of money on a new bike or a new set of wheels just because it’s a couple of grams lighter than the previous editions.  Psychologically, it means so much more than that.

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Personal Training Studio Sustainability!

Fresh personal training studios open up every month around the valley and every month neophyte personal trainers attempt to make a buck while learning on your dime.  After a rough go of it… the personal training studios eventually close down or change hands with new owners, while the rookie personal trainers become real estate agents.  Longterm sustainability in a personal training studio and the experience of a tenured personal trainer are pivotal to your health and fitness goals. 

What you don’t know about health and fitness can certainly keep you from your personal objectives.

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Behavior Changes Reduce Mortality Risk Greatly!

Regardless of genetics, behavior modification can dramatically reduce illness and premature death. 

Start by reducing your intake of processed foods, excess calories that don’t need consuming, high fat and high sugar foods, as well as restaurant food.  Instead, consume organic produce (i.e. fruits and vegetables) raw and cooked, various lean proteins and whole grains the way nature developed them.

Next, increase your physical activity up to 5 days per week with a combination of progressive resistance training and cardiovascular movement; these modalities of physical training help avoid obesity which is the most important disease risk factor that you can control. 

Absolutely don’t smoke and minimize all drug consumption (legal or otherwise) and drink alcohol in moderation or not at all. 

In addition, learn to manage stress through mitigation of stressful situations or applied techniques learned through various programs. 

Get adequate rest and sleep every night and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Lastly, minimize or avoid reckless behavior… because accidents are rarely accidents.

All these behaviors are healthful and stand alone with great benefit, but when applied in combination, their effectiveness runs very deep.

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The Concept of Prevention!

The concept of prevention is to anticipate what may come to harm us or those we care about; whether physically, mentally or spiritually.

To take appropriate preventive action is to avoid harm in the first place… simply stop doing what may lead to harm in the future… or minimize further damage from harm already experienced.

To be good at prevention – you must learn broadly and deeply and then use that knowledge as a tool to stay safe, aware, healthy and wise.

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Glucosamine Supplements Don’t Work!

Researchers analyzed the results of 10 past trials in 3,803 patients who took supplements of glucosamine or chondroitin and a placebo (fake) supplement to treat arthritis in their hips or knees. 

They found neither supplement, taken either separately or together, did any better than a placebo.

As a side note: Chondroitin has never been shown to be useful at anything except for extermination of sharks; shark cartilage is primarily composed of chondroitin.

Let me sternly repeat here “the majority of supplements are garabage and a waste of your money”.

Dr. Miller's Joint Repair Joint Pain Relief, 60 Pills, High Potency: Includes Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin, Shark Cartilage, and moreJoint Juice Glucosamine 1500 mg Drink Mix Packets, Natural Berry Flavor

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Personal Responsibility!

If you’re relying on doctors and the medical establishment to cure your illness and disease when your health declines, you certainly need to rethink your strategy.  The medical profession should be used in dire, emergency situations and not relied upon for long-term physical and mental health. The medical professionals, that we seek out for assistance, have a higher rate of physical and mental disease in many cases than the average American. And as a whole… the medical establishment knows as much about health and fitness as a used car lot. Personal responsibilty for your on-going good health is no one’s obligation but your own. Learn, implement and maintain your good health through a balanced lifestlye (i.e. whole “real” food nutrition, adequate rest and relaxation, progressive and balanced weight training, consistent brisk movement and an on-going personal spirituality.

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Finished Reading: Why Our Health Matters

Why Our Health Matters: A Vision of Medicine That Can Transform Our Future

Healthcare is no longer just a public issue; for millions of Americans it is now a crisis on their own doorstep. Cost of medical care today are a leading cause of personal bankruptcy. Although policy makers have weighed in on all sides, in this book, bestselling author Andrew Weil, M.D., identifies the root of the problem. He shows us exactly how we have become embroiled in the present situation and provides a solution that will not only make healthcare affordable, but will also put each one of us on the road to optimum health.

Dr. Weil states that we have a right to good healthcare that is effective, accessible, and affordable. Many Americans would be surprised to know that our national health is far from the best in the world, even though we spend more money on it than any other country. The World Health Organization recently rated America thirty-seventh in health outcomes, on par with Serbia. Tackling head-on the Three Major Myths of American Medicine, Dr. Weil shows how medical schools fail to give future doctors the education they need to care for patients, how insurance companies have destroyed our opportunity to get excellent care, and how pharmaceutical companies have come to rule our lives. The solution involves nothing less than the creation of a completely new culture of health and medicine in this country, one that we can each start building today.


Why Our Health Matters: A Vision of Medicine That Can Transform Our Future

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Nothing Else Matters!

When you lose your personal health – nothing else matters.  All the things you busy yourself with daily – no longer matter.  In fact, when your health is greatly diminished or your very existence is in question, all you can think about is being well again.  So why not make health, wisely, your top priority?  Learn and practice healthy preventative behaviors now, before you’re forced to recognize what’s really important in your life.

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Healthy and Nutritious are More Important!

The food industry has done a plethora of research on consumers and their eating habits.  The summation of all this research overwhelmingly shows that taste, value and convenience are most important to American consumers. 

Until there’s a priority change, within the food industry, brought on by “us” the consumers, diseases such as obesity, cancer and heart disease will continue unabated.   

Healthy and Nutritious are more important than “Value” and “Convenience”!

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Finished Reading: The Last Lecture

“A lot of professors give talks titled “The Last Lecture.” Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can’t help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?

When Randy Pausch, the author, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a lecture, he didn’t have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer.  But the lecture he gave–“Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”–wasn’t about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because “time is all you have…and you may find one day that you have less than you think”). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living.”


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~Behavior Over Words~

Personally, I like to listen intently, without judgement, to what people have to say to me, then… I simply observe what they actually do to get to the truth of the matter.

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Eden’s Organic Foods

This is a convenient place to purchase quality Organic Food (especially whole grains) for the single person; but for the majority of families it’s probably a bit too expensive due to the smaller serving sizes per cost.  They offer various organic products and recipes as well on their site.


Quinoa, Organic

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Produce with the Most Pesticide Contamination!

Quotes from “Disease Proof”:

If you avoid the top 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables you can reduce your pesticide exposure by almost 90 percent by some recent studies.  The pesticide contamination tests were performed on washed produce; washing is NOT sufficient to remove pesticide residue.

We cannot rely on authorities or the U.S. government for protection. The EPA is mired in complex legal issues (delaying tactics) with chemical companies and is not an effective watchdog for our safety. Rather than preventing exposures and putting the burden of proving safety where it belongs (on pesticide and toxic chemical producers), most dangerous pesticides remain on the market with no threat of regulatory action. People are exposed to hundreds of chemical compounds in their diet every day. We will never have 100 percent accurate data on the potential risks from such consumption, so the consumer is wise to minimize exposure to pesticides whenever possible.

Buy organic produce when dealing with these items below:

Statistics from “Healthy Reader”:

1. PEACHES: Over 94% tested positive for traces of 45 different pesticides.

2. CELERY 94% tested positive for 29 different pesticides.

3. APPLES: 92% tested positive for 36 pesticides.

4. SWEET BELL PEPPERS: 68% tested positive for 39 different pesticides.

5. CHERRIES: 91% tested positive for 25 different pesticides.

6. IMPORTED GRAPES: 86% tested positive for 35 different pesticides.

7. NECTARINES: 97% tested positive for 26 different pesticides.

8. PEARS : 94% tested positive for 35 different pesticides.

9. POTATOES: 79% tested positive for 29 different pesticides.

10. RASPBERRIES: 59% tested positive for 39 different pesticides.

11. SPINACH: 83% tested positive for 36 different pesticides.

12. STRAWBERRIES: 90% tested positive for 36 different pesticides.

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