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Glucosamine Supplements Don’t Work!

Researchers analyzed the results of 10 past trials in 3,803 patients who took supplements of glucosamine or chondroitin and a placebo (fake) supplement to treat arthritis in their hips or knees. 

They found neither supplement, taken either separately or together, did any better than a placebo.

As a side note: Chondroitin has never been shown to be useful at anything except for extermination of sharks; shark cartilage is primarily composed of chondroitin.

Let me sternly repeat here “the majority of supplements are garabage and a waste of your money”.

Dr. Miller's Joint Repair Joint Pain Relief, 60 Pills, High Potency: Includes Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin, Shark Cartilage, and moreJoint Juice Glucosamine 1500 mg Drink Mix Packets, Natural Berry Flavor

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