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Archive for the 'StrengthLab Thoughts' Category

Better’n Peanut Butter!

Trader Joe’s has this product and it tastes good too (just slightly sweeter than regular peanut butter).

Better ‘n Peanut Butter is the all-natural product of the Wonder Natural Foods Corporation that can be used in all the ways that you now use regular peanut butter, but instead of 16 grams of fat per (32 gram) serving, Better ‘n Peanut Butter delivers less than 3 grams of fat per serving.


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Purpose Goals!

Life satisfaction is best attained through “purpose goals” rather than “profit goals“… having a purpose is bigger than money and one of the most important factors in a life worth living.

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Finished Reading: “DRIVE”

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

According to Pink (A Whole New Mind), everything we think we know about what motivates us is wrong. He pits the latest scientific discoveries about the mind against the outmoded wisdom that claims people can only be motivated by the hope of gain and the fear of loss. Pink cites a dizzying number of studies revealing that carrot and stick can actually significantly reduce the ability of workers to produce creative solutions to problems. What motivates us once our basic survival needs are met is the ability to grow and develop, to realize our fullest potential.



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Questionable Behavior!

In our rush to be patient and tolerant of others, much of our human behavior has become relative and dependent upon one’s own experience; very few seem to think right or wrong have absolutes anymore without sounding radical in ideology. Well… in order to improve yourself, you must be capable of recognizing the difference between right and wrong – all is not relative – and be strong enough to act on it when necessary.

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Fruit Bowl or Cookie Jar?

If weight-loss and improved health are a high priority for you, then healthier food options (such as fresh fruit, steamed vegetables and whole snack bars) need to be convenient and more accessible to you than less healthy food choices. You need to plan ahead and have these healthier food options available in your home, at work, on your person or know where to get them quickly when hunger strikes. In other words, when you’re hurried, stressed or tired the fruit bowl needs to be easier to get to than the proverbial cookie jar if your weight-loss and improved health goals are to be met.

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At the Expense of Being Good?

One of the most important criterion as an athlete and more importantly, human being, is “am I attempting to look good at the expense of being good?”

This precept has pushed, chased and guided me for years… and I’ll judge you by it as well.

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The “North Star”

The “North Star” is the star that the earth’s axis points toward in the northern sky and for countless years the “North Star” has been used as a navigational aid as well. StrengthLab plays a similar role in guiding the interested toward their highest potential; we [you and I] strip away the health and fitness marketing nonsense and find the straightest line that you’re capable of following and head straight toward your personal goals.

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Finished Reading: The Making of a Marine Officer

Currently Reading: One Bullet Away “The Making of a Marine Officer”

From Publishers Weekly:

The global war on terrorism has spawned some excellent combat narratives—mostly by journalists. Warriors, like Marine Corps officer Fick, bring a different and essential perspective to the story. A classics major at Dartmouth, Fick joined the Marines in 1998 because he “wanted to go on a great adventure… to do something so hard that no one could ever talk shit to me.” Thus begins his odyssey through the grueling regimen of Marine training and wartime deployments—an odyssey that he recounts in vivid detail in this candid and fast-paced memoir. Fick was first deployed to Afghanistan, where he saw little combat, but his Operation [Iraqi] Freedom unit, the elite 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, helped spearhead the invasion of Iraq and “battled through every town on Highway 7” from Nasiriyah to al Kut. Like the best combat memoirs, Fick’s focuses on the men doing the fighting and avoids hyperbole and sensationalism. He does not shrink from the truth—however personal or unpleasant.


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Negative Outside Influence!

Traditional culture and other outside negative influences (marketing for instance) implore us to spend more and more time working, to make more and more money, to spend more and more money, to live in ever bigger and better homes and to own and drive more expensive cars that project an image of power and influence.

Is this really a meaningful and effective way to live a life worth living… or nothing more than a short-term distraction, before getting back to the things that really matter in life?

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Be Aware and Listen to Yourself!

Why do so many people willingly sacrifice so much of their lives to obtain more of what they don’t need and frequently don’t even want?

I believe that it’s a lack of awareness… 

Be aware of the choices that you make and the consequences of those choices… just staying busy and reaching goals will not make you happy or successful, especially if those goals are not yours. 

You must listen to yourself and remain aware of your needs in order to hear the direction that’s right for you.

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No Guaranteed Outcomes…

There are no guaranteed outcomes in life – regardless of the venue. 

Those who should win… frequently do not; those who should not win… frequently do.

Plan to be your best and prepare to be your best – let the chips fall where they may.

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Growing and Building Ourselves!

Our lives are way too short to learn all that can be useful through our own personal experience and application; we must rely on the proficiency and competence of others until it becomes our own; then it’s ready to be shared with others. The greater the efforts in this growing and building of ourselves… the greater and more functional the benefits.

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Strategic Suffering!

Strategic suffering, through physical acitivity and organized physical events, is not a waste of time.

Appropriate physical challenges, and even a bit of strategic self-abuse, can go a long way in making us better people.

Learning how to manage ourselves and life through these types of activities, and becoming physically and mentally stronger as a direct result, are well worth the effort.

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Finished Reading: Inside Delta Force

Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counterterrorist Unit

From Publishers Weekly

Haney, a founding member of Delta Force who retired a command sergeant major, was a career army man, having served in the elite Rangers; his memoir covers his experiences during the formation and early operations of 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta. In the fall of 1978, Haney was recruited and ordered to report to a secret corner of expansive Fort Bragg, N.C., where he underwent a rigorous selection process familiar from similar memoirs. In the second section of three, Haney describes advanced work with explosives and weapons, studying airplanes to plan hostage rescues, and the “final exam,” in which the class was sent to the nation’s capital, given precise assignments and had to evade the FBI. (The result a red-faced FBI.) Haney then relates his assignments: he served three times in Beirut guarding the American ambassador, participated in the invasion of Grenada, served in several Central American countries and narrowly escaped death during the abortive rescue attempt of the American hostages in Iran. Will he and a partner successfully eliminate a sniper harassing the Marines in Beirut? Will his unit rescue hostages aboard a hijacked plane without losing any hostages? Readers of other special forces memoirs will find this one distinctive for Haney’s attention to interservice rivalries (he has a lot of negative things to say about the CIA) that he believes compromised several missions, as well as for Haney’s nuanced, often disgusted descriptions of the human cost of war.


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Is it Ego-Rejuvenation or Ego-Depletion?

For Ego-Rejuvenation… spend time doing what you enjoy and being with people you enjoy.

For Ego-Depletion… spend time doing what you don’t enjoy and being with people you don’t enjoy.

Simple to follow and easy to implement – a good life can be just this simple.

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Human history has shown continued progress in many disciplines; this has come through dedicated work by the few among the many. This same potential can be found in each and everyone of us as we progress through our lives; our lifespans are lengthy enough to make constant improvements rewarding, while short enough to realize that there’s no time to waste in doing so.

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Rejection of Clients!

This is not a public facility; I’m not out to win every prospective client over and not every client that passes the initial consultation process will be welcome to stay longterm. Several refunds are generated each year and many more prospective clients don’t even make it through the front door or the consultation process. 

A good attitude and a willingness to improve are welcome; if all you bring with you is money and excuses… stay home.

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Lead by Example!

Generally speaking, when people in your life are losing weight and getting in shape – you will too.

When people in your life are gaining weight and falling away from fitness – you will too.

Therefore, pick your friends and associates carefully… or be strong enough to lead by example.

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Floss Your Teeth!

One of the simplest and easiest ways to increase your lifespan is by flossing your teeth; this helps minimize Gingivitis lowering your risk of a heart attack by 50%!  Gingivitis, is an inflammation of the gums surrounding the teeth caused by bacteria not cleaned away when we brush.

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Vitamin Supplements Increase Risk of Death

This is a subject that I’ve covered before and my opinion hasn’t changed… most supplements are a waste of money.

The Study:

Popping vitamins may do more harm than good, according to a new study that adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting some supplements may have health risks.

Researchers from the University of Minnesota examined data from more than 38,000 women taking part in the Iowa Women’s Health Study, an ongoing study with women who were around age 62 at its start in 1986. The researchers collected data on the women’s supplement use in 1986, 1997 and 2004.

Women who took supplements had, on average, a 2.4 percent increased risk of dying over the course of the 19-year study, compared with women who didn’t take supplements, after the researchers adjusted for factors including the women’s age and calorie intake.

“Our study, as well as other similar studies, have provided very little evidence that commonly used dietary supplements would help to prevent chronic diseases,” said study author Jaakko Mursu, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

“We would advise people to reconsider whether they need to use supplements, and put more emphasis on a healthy diet instead,” Mursu said.

The Full Article:


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No Where to Hide…

The majority of human beings pretend to be tough, pretend to be confident, pretend to have it together; competitive sport ends all of the delusions.

Your performance is all that matters – it’s absolute, there’s no place to hide.

You’re either full of shit or the real deal… no amount of marketing or BS will change that fact.




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Big Muscles and Mental Weakness!

It’s been my experience… that the bigger the muscles, the weaker the mind; that stands true for male, as well as female.

Mental and physical talents are both assets… neither should be neglected for the other.

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Finished Reading: Chosen Soldier By Dick Couch

Chosen Soldier: The Making of a Special Forces Warrior By Dick Couch

Among America’s Special Forces, the Green Berets stand out because they can “do it all,” according to this enthusiastic account of their training. Ex-SEAL Couch (Down Range) explains that Green Berets not only fight, they teach: living in the world’s hot spots, they speak the language, win the trust of the locals, and train and fight alongside them to defeat a common enemy. They are the “Peace Corps with guns” and the key to winning the war on terror, he asserts. Only the most fit, smart, stable and multilingual need apply, but training is so rigorous that recruits first undergo 25 days of pretraining, from which only one-third proceed to Green Beret school, where attrition continues.


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You Can’t Give 110%…

You can’t give more than 100% effort.

Anyone who claims that they give more than this percentage doesn’t know what 100% effort looks or feels like.

When giving 100% genuine effort, there’s plenty of “suck value” without having to embellish the number.

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Mental High Country!

We can spend the majority of our lives in the lowlands of thought and the valleys of poor decision making or we can seek the mental high country through great and sustained effort.

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This Makes Life Better!

There are so few things in our lives that we can point to and say with absolute certainty “this improves my life.” Exercise is one of those things…

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Changes, Refinements and Modifications!

No two clients are the same; capabilities and objectives, availability and mental appitude differ.

There’s a continuing awareness of what works and what doesn’t work well for each client here; changes, refinements and modifications are necessary to succeed.

What works for one… will frequently not work for another.

Both the mental, as well as the physical differences must be met in a successful personal training relationship.    


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Finished Reading: SEAL TEAM SIX

SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper


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Bodybuilding Centered Programs are Weak!

A bodybuilding centered program, focused on progressive overload, coupled with the overconsumption of protein is grossly inadequate.

Strength training is only one important component of fitness… endurance training is critical as well.

In fact, endurance training should occupy the majority of your fitness training time; not because it’s more important… it simply requires more time to execute.

Important to Note:

Endurance centered training programs – although much stronger than bodybuilding centered programs – are still insufficient when strength training is missing.

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Celebrity Personal Trainer!

Do I have any interest in becoming a celebrity personal trainer?

I’ve been on television and radio and neither held any fascination to me; the opportunity to host a fitness radio show appeared years ago, I didn’t hesitate to say no.  

The majority of celebrity personal trainers (if not all of them) are merely talking heads with extensive advisement available; they’re all show and no go literally.

Fashion line and protein powders?

Remind me… is this relationship all about the personal trainer or is it still about the client and their needs?

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Novelty is not Progress!

Everyone loves to spend money! The powerful feeling of novelty…

Purchase something new, something different, something especially significant… and you temporarily feel excited, renewed, maybe even improved.

Nevertheless, you can do the same thing with a fresh idea… 

The difference between buying something new and a fresh idea? 

Buying something new simply feels like progress… while a fresh idea is the very definition of progress.

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No Perfect Scenario!

If we don’t have a job… then we’re desperately seeking one.  If we have a job… then we’re frequently worried about losing it.

If we don’t have enough money… we constantly worry about making more.  If we do have a lot of money, we’re frequently worried about losing it.

If we don’t have something… then we set to work trying to get it.  Once we get it… we immediately set to work trying to obtain something else.

There’s no perfect scenario… enjoy the moment, enjoy the pursuit and realize you never arrive.

Or maybe – just maybe… it’s not that we never arrive, perhaps, it’s that we’ve arrived already.

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Improve Your Position!

Hearing someone complain about something gets old really fast.

Personally, I’d rather improve my position than sit around complaining about it.

If you’re weak at something… get stronger at it.

If you don’t know enough about something… educate yourself about it.

If you dont like something… fix what’s bothering you.

In other words, if you’re standing in shit… move your foot – that’s sure to improve your position.

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Once we have the “basics of life” in our possession (such as food, shelter and security) there are very few things left (at any price) that can improve our lives like a higher-level of personal fitness.

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Finished Reading “On Call in Hell: A Doctor’s Iraq War Story”

On Call in Hell: A Doctor’s Iraq War Story

At age thirty-eight, Navy Dr. Richard Jadick was too old to be called up to the front lines-but not too old to volunteer. This is the inspiring story of one man’s decision to enter into the fray-and a compelling account of courage under fire.


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Trader Joe’s Roasted Chicken Patties!

Fully Cooked and Fully Seasoned! Yum! 

Refrigerated section – NOT frozen!

Heat them via the Grill (around 4 mins) or the Microwave (around 1 min)

Total Fat: 3.5 Grams

Total Carbs: 2 Grams

Total Protein: 23 Grams

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Get the Job Done!

There’s always someone who thinks that they’re busier than the next guy… that the experienced discomfort is more intense for them than the next guy… that their situation is more unfortunate than the next guy… that they’ve sacrificed considerably more than the next guy. Save it!

If you really want something bad enough… you put your head down and you work at it… and you keep doing exactly that until you get the job done. 

If the job is never done? 

You simply keep your head down, keep pushing forward and practice not quitting.

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Finished Reading “Direct Red” a Surgeon’s View on Life and Death

Direct Red: A Surgeon’s View of Her Life-or-Death Profession


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Trader Joe’s Egg White Salads!

Only 2 grams of fat per serving and only 2 grams of carbs!

1 serving is enough “egg salad” to make an entire sandwich!

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The Self-proclaimed Expert!

Individuals who’ve recently read a book (or two) on diet and exercise, experienced some minor or major weightloss or even started a newfangled fitness program with some success, tend to fancy themselves budding experts. There’s a stark difference between an enthusiast and a professional… and it’s an important distinction in all matters of endeavor.

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You’re Lucky!

If you’re healthy (which most of us are) and have what you need (which the majority of us do) take a moment right now to appreciate your life’s good fortune; because the majority of our personal good luck is out of our hands. We didn’t choose our genetics and we certainly didn’t choose our original geography… and myriad circumstances are frequently out of our control. Make no mistake about it… you’re lucky!

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Likeness More than Difference!

I feel the likeness more then I feel the difference between myself and all of my clients; this is one of the keys to our success.

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Finished Reading “The Heart and the Fist”

The Heart and the Fist: Tthe education of a humanitarian, the making of a Navy SEAL


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Trader Joe’s All Natural Fully Cooked Chicken!

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts – fully cooked and lightly seasoned

Eat them cold as a snack… or quickly prepare them in a dish.

Located in the refrigerated section – NOT frozen.

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Books – Learn to Live Well!

Mentally wrestling with the complexity of what it means to be human and what that entails is nothing new; it’s essentially what it means to be fully human. Centuries of thought from kings to peasants, soldiers to philosophers, mothers to farmers is conveniently shared at the bookstore and our local library. Spend some quality time with this historical work and learn to live well.

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What Matters the Most?

Certainly things that matter the most should have priority over things that matter the least… the trick is knowing the difference between them.

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Life’s Lessons or Fitness?

I see NO distinction between life’s lessons and the lessons learned through serious fitness; they coalesce together naturally if we simply put our mind to it.

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Finished Reading: “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell

The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10


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The taste of Canvas!

We’ve all tasted the canvas floor at one time or another; but it’s our personal reaction to being face down that determines the experience, as well as the future.


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Know Yourself!

Understanding your behavior based upon your motivation is to know yourself; a lifetime pursuit, won gradually through intellectual dedication and great on-going effort, is the only way to purchase this gift.

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