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Archive for March 2nd, 2012

9 of 10 Eat Healthy Food?

Consumer Reports released a shocking survey in 2011 that found that just 1 out of 10 Americans admitted to eating unhealthy. There seems to be a serious disconnect between what people think is healthy and what is literally healthy for us. Plants and the things that grow from them are healthy… energy bars, supplements, diet frozen dinners, frozen yogurt, baked chips, multi-vitamins, myriad juices and roasted nuts are not. Animal protein should be no more than 5-10% of our diets (that includes red meat, seafood, poultry, eggs and dairy) and animal protein should NOT be the cornerstone of every meal. Vegetables, fruit and whole grains!

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Family History!

Our genetics (family history) is frequently thought to hold our personal vitality and longevity, but that’s a very simple view to a complex subject.

For example, if we happen to have a genetic propensity for cancer, heart disease or a neurological disorder, we may simply have an empty gun laying around inside our cells, but our decision making when it comes to our health, nutrition and fitness habits decides if that gun gets loaded and the trigger pulled.

It’s most frequently our choice to make when it comes to our health – NOT genetics alone; we determine our fate most of the time.

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