Strengthlab on Jun 5th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
Constructive habits and desires, as well as destructive habits and desires, reside within all of us. The resolve to consistently pursue constructive habits and desires, instead of destructive habits and desires, is what is commonly referred to as self-discipline.
Strengthlab on Jun 5th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
The dietary fiber that we consume, and frequently too little of, is exclusively found in plant-based food and it’s typically undigestable; although it can be added to low-quality processed foods to give the appearance of healthfulness. Fiber comes in countless variations within the cell-walls of plants (and the fruits and vegetables it may bear). Dietary fiber should not be consumed through man-made purchased supplements rather through whole foods designed by nature. Human engineering can’t rival the quality or the complexity of fiber found in it’s most natural state or it’s perfect delivery system. Moreover, whole foods (vegetables, fruit and grains) containing dietary fiber include numerous components that work to keep us healthy and their fiber content creates a sense of fullness that comes on us quicker and lasts longer compared to processed foods. Lastly, fiber works to clean the digestive system as it winds its way through the process, as well as absorbs unwanted products found within our digestive system as it speeds the process of digestion along.
Strengthlab on Jun 5th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
Good “sports nutrition” is the same thing as good nutrition except the word “sports” is used in the first expression.
Strengthlab on Jun 5th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike fail to realize how much of a performance and recovery boost they can achieve by simply eating fresh vegetables and whole fruit.
Strengthlab on Jun 5th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
Regardless of activity level, our day to day movements are not enough to maintain muscle strength and/or the natural balance found between opposing muscle groups; the eventual muscle tissue imbalance will lead to acute discomfort, chronic pain and debilitating injuries. Applying intelligent resistance training to correct or maintain the strength and balance of the musculoskeletal system should be systematic, thoughtful and consistent. Moreover, endurance athletes of all genres are especially not exempt from this caveat.
Strengthlab on Jun 5th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
It’s certainly a viable method of exercise for a select niche of the population, the majority of which are young with forgiving bodies and spare energy to burn. For the rest of the aging population, with physical limitations, bodies that are increasingly less forgiving with little energy to throw away, CrossFit is generally inappropriate with a significant rate of injury and/or failure to adhere.