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Archive for June 3rd, 2015

Insulin Resistance!

A significant portion of why we become insulin resistant with age is the loss of muscle mass due directly to the aging process (sarcopenia); this can be mitigated and frequently reversed through consistent weight training.

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Fried Food is a Disaster!

Although fried food is extremely prevalent in our western culture, it shouldn’t be mistaken as a viable option for human nutrition. In fact, there’s nothing remotely life giving about it. From cell destruction, to systemic blood vessel damage, to a compromised immune system, to eventual cancers, strokes and heart disease, this genre of edible “food like substances” should have no place in your diet.

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Improved Chemistry!

Consistent and appropriate exercise has a dramatic “positive” effect upon our chemical physiology. It strengthens important systems such as our immune system and it rebalances or optimizes our hormone system. It simply improves our overall function!

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