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Archive for October 10th, 2010

The Phoenix Public Library

Why buy a book, when you can simply borrow it? 

The Phoenix Public Library makes it easy to borrow a book of your choice by simply going to their on-line catalog and placing a hold on it. 

If they don’t have it within their catalog – simply suggest it and they’ll most likely get it!    

Phoenix Public Library On-Line Catalog:  http://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/default.jsp

To “Suggest a Purchase” through the Phoenix Public Library On-line Catalog:  https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/spfrm.jsp?id=6096

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The Price We Pay for Food

We pay less for our food, according to many statistics, than any other nation in history; but we’re paying a huge premium with our “good health” in vivid contrast.  What a deal, where’s the benefit in this?  Probably within our ability to feed a larger number of people?  Sounds fair enough.  But if you personally can afford to eat better, you should readily recognize the truth “hidden right here in plain sight” and do so.

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Why I avoid Eating Cow…

Cow (or the less offensive name beef) is too high in saturated fats for starters.  Saturated fats are lipids that are congealed at room temperatures that have NO health benefits to the human body whatsoever.  On the other hand, saturated fats certainly have many health risks associated with them… including higher risk factors for heart disease, cancer and strokes.  

In addition, 65% of all cattle slaughtered for food in this country are treated with six different hormones to help them gain size more readily and these hormones are increasing our cancer rates as well (breast, prostate and colon).  Hormones are very powerful molecules and you don’t want them instigating or ceasing activities in your body without knowing full well what their long-term effects will be.

Moreover, the numerous antibiotics we casually feed our cows to prevent outbreaks of disease on the crowded, filthy industrial farms and the environmental cost of raising so many cattle as a food resource are sad stories saved for another post. 

A quick side note: 2,500 cows generate as much waste (manure and urine) as 411,000 human beings.

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