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Archive for October, 2010

Pomegranate Café


Revitalizing food and pure flavors are at the heart of what we do. At Pomegranate emphasis is on a new way of eating – utilizing fresh organic ingredients to prepare food and drinks that tempt the palate and create wellbeing.

We challenge the stereotype that healthy food is bland or boring. Our delicious vegetarian cuisine and beverages (from fresh fruit shakes to mouth-watering lattes) are created with the belief that taste and presentation are not compromised by the use of wholesome ingredients, but enhanced. Pomegranate Café offers a rich and deeply satisfying experience.

Pomegranate values the symbiotic relationship we share with the earth and recognizes the local community as our livelihood.

Caring for the earth is an essential part of our physical and spiritual wellbeing and a necessity for the longevity of future harvests. Pomegranate uses organic ingredients with an emphasis on seasonal fruits and vegetables. We support small, local farmers and artisans who share our commitment to providing exceptional products with ecologically responsible methods.


Hours: Tuesday-Friday 6:30 AM -3:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday 7 AM – 4 PM  CLOSED MONDAY

Address: 4025 E. Chandler Blvd., Suite 28, Phoenix, AZ 85048
Telephone: (480) 706-7472

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Ahwatukee’s Farmer’s Market (Sun 9-1pm)

Date: Sundays, Year Round Market
Hours: 9am-1pm
Location: on 4700 East Warner Road, Phoenix, Az 85044
(just west of 48th St.)
(Ahwatukee Community Swim and Tennis Center parking lot)

Features: May include fresh, local, and seasonal produce, herbs, flowers, locally made jams, jellies, salsas, fresh baked breads, natural pork, beef and fish and a selection of local arts and crafts. Free admission, free adjacent parking. Also available at this market: Easy credit card shopping! One credit card charge can pay for all your purchases from the vendors!

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Currently Watching: Food Inc. DVD

For most Americans, the ideal meal is fast, cheap, and tasty. Food, Inc. examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition and environmental impact. Director Robert Kenner explores the subject from all angles, talking to authors, advocates, farmers, and CEOs, like co-producer Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma), Gary Hirschberg (Stonyfield Farms), and Barbara Kowalcyk, who’s been lobbying for more rigorous standards since E. coli claimed the life of her two-year-old son. The filmmaker takes his camera into slaughterhouses and factory farms where chickens grow too fast to walk properly, cows eat feed pumped with toxic chemicals, and illegal immigrants risk life and limb to bring these products to market at an affordable cost. If eco-docs tends to preach to the converted, Kenner presents his findings in such an engaging fashion that Food, Inc. may well reach the very viewers who could benefit from it the most: harried workers who don’t have the time or income to read every book and eat non-genetically modified produce every day. Though he covers some of the same ground as Super-Size Me and King Corn, Food Inc. presents a broader picture of the problem, and if Kenner takes an understandably tough stance on particular politicians and corporations, he’s just as quick to praise those who are trying to be responsible–even Wal-Mart, which now carries organic products. That development may have more to do with economics than empathy, but the consumer still benefits, and every little bit counts. –Kathleen C. Fennessy


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Instant Garden!

At Arizona Raised Gardens… you can purchase handbuilt garden boxes with quality untreated lumber and they supply the soil as well!

Examples of Garden Box Products Available:

  1. 4 feet wide 12 feet long, 11 inch soil depth delivered, built and filled with soil. Higley & Baseline area $259.00
  2. 4 feet wide 12 feet long, 27 inch soil depth delivered, built and filled with soil. Keep in mind a garden with this soil depth is more expensive. Fountain Hills area $480.00
  3. 4 foot x 4 foot small herb garden, 11 inch soil depth delivered, built and filled with soil. $109.00 Gilbert area 
  4. 4 foot x 12 foot garden box built and delivered, planter box only, no soil $129.00 Power & Mcdowell area   



Contact Number: 


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Under Extreme Pain Only!

After winning a 24-hour track run in record time, Stephanie Ehret should have been celebrating. Instead, she was in a Phoenix emergency room, vomiting up a strange substance, which a doctor informed her was part of her digestive tract lining.  A few hours later, doctors diagnosed the problem… rhabdomyolysis; a potentially fatal precursor to kidney failure. Though dehydration and overexertion contributed to Ehret’s condition, doctors told her that the 12 ibuprofen pills she’d taken during the 24-hour race had pushed her kidneys into the danger zone.

Runners Beware!
Runners may think that as long as they don’t go overboard like Ehret, they’ll be safe. But experts say the benefits of popping even one pill before a 10K don’t outweigh the risks. NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandins, hormones that help normalize blood flow to the kidneys. Mix an NSAID with physical exertion and dehydration, and you can overwhelm your kidneys.

Moreover, NSAIDs can bump up your blood pressure, and when you add this to the natural rise that occurs when you exercise, “suddenly you have two things increasing your blood pressure,” Graedon says. If you already have high blood pressure, “you could have a mini stroke or a heart attack” he says. NSAIDs also block an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX) that normally protects the heart, and this might explain why many NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, may raise the risk of heart attack.

Some forms of COX also protect the stomach lining from digestive acids, so when an NSAID blocks this enzyme, you may experience nausea, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, and cramps. When used during a marathon or ultra, NSAIDs also seem to boost the risk of hyponatremia, an electrolyte imbalance that can cause the brain to swell. “It’s something you can die of during a race,” says Martin Hoffman, M. D., director of research at the Western States Endurance Run.

Many runners believe that NSAIDs increase their pain tolerance, but studies contradict this notion. In 2005, David Nieman, Dr. P.H., director of the human performance lab at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, examined ibuprofen use at Western States. About 70 percent of the racers said they took it to help them manage the discomfort of racing. But when he measured pain and muscle soreness in these pill poppers, he found no reduction compared with nonusers. Worse, ibuprofen takers had more inflammation. “There’s no good reason to use ibuprofen during a race,” Nieman says. “There are too many potential negatives.” Any pain and inflammation that turns up while running is not something you should medicate but a signal that it’s time to reevaluate your training regimen, he says.

StrengthLab “PainKiller” Drugs Bottom Line:  use under extreme pain situations only (i.e. after surgery, serious accidental injury, etc.)!  If you’re simply uncomfortable… wait it out, find the solution or mitigate the discomfort with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation of the injury (RICE). 

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It Doesn’t Spoil…

Food actually spoils within a few days.  If pictures are worth a thousand words then I’ll save my time and write nothing more here.

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In Just 1 Hour!

In just one hour, within the United States, 1 million land animals are killed or slaughtered for food.  That’s 10 billion each year, just in the United States, and that doesn’t include any animals or fish pulled from a body of water.  Currently, there’s 307 million Americans of various ages… so does this statistic represent an over-indulgence in animal protein to you? 

The point here: eat less protein and consume more organic produce!

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~Organic Labels Defined~

The “100% Organic” label is self explanatory; every step along the way in making a particular product and every ingredient used within that particular product are required to be organic or “the way nature intended it”.  The next label defined, simply printed “Organic” requires that 95% of the steps and ingredients within a particular product are certified organic.  Lastly, the “Made With Organic” label only requires 75% of a particular product contain certified organic procedures and ingredients.

The point being made here… make sure to read and understand your labels.  Some companies use the “made with organic” label to fool customers into paying a premium for their products, when the definition is quite loose indeed. 

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The Phoenix Public Library

Why buy a book, when you can simply borrow it? 

The Phoenix Public Library makes it easy to borrow a book of your choice by simply going to their on-line catalog and placing a hold on it. 

If they don’t have it within their catalog – simply suggest it and they’ll most likely get it!    

Phoenix Public Library On-Line Catalog:  http://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/default.jsp

To “Suggest a Purchase” through the Phoenix Public Library On-line Catalog:  https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/spfrm.jsp?id=6096

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The Price We Pay for Food

We pay less for our food, according to many statistics, than any other nation in history; but we’re paying a huge premium with our “good health” in vivid contrast.  What a deal, where’s the benefit in this?  Probably within our ability to feed a larger number of people?  Sounds fair enough.  But if you personally can afford to eat better, you should readily recognize the truth “hidden right here in plain sight” and do so.

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Why I avoid Eating Cow…

Cow (or the less offensive name beef) is too high in saturated fats for starters.  Saturated fats are lipids that are congealed at room temperatures that have NO health benefits to the human body whatsoever.  On the other hand, saturated fats certainly have many health risks associated with them… including higher risk factors for heart disease, cancer and strokes.  

In addition, 65% of all cattle slaughtered for food in this country are treated with six different hormones to help them gain size more readily and these hormones are increasing our cancer rates as well (breast, prostate and colon).  Hormones are very powerful molecules and you don’t want them instigating or ceasing activities in your body without knowing full well what their long-term effects will be.

Moreover, the numerous antibiotics we casually feed our cows to prevent outbreaks of disease on the crowded, filthy industrial farms and the environmental cost of raising so many cattle as a food resource are sad stories saved for another post. 

A quick side note: 2,500 cows generate as much waste (manure and urine) as 411,000 human beings.

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Reading: FOOD INC.

“How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter and Poorer – and What You Can Do About It”

Available on DVD as well as Book form…


Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About It

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Shopping for food…

To be healthy and to remain healthy, we should discriminate heavily when shopping for food.

What we consume is inevitably what we become; whether we eat nefarious chemicals that eventually lead to disease or we ingest natural life providing organic matter that eventually lead to vitality, the end result is our choice to make through careful selection of food. 

Nevertheless, being ultra careful with food choices lends itself to fewer options on the surface.  So, for the best results, we should frequent a variety of grocery stores and “cherry pick” the items we need to nourish our minds and bodies for greatest benefit. 

From your favorite local grocery store, to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Sprouts and Fresh’n Easy, to even Costco and Sam’s Club, the healthy items are readily available and at good prices – you simply need to be willing to put in the time and widen your food shopping net.

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Consume This Fish Oil!

A potent, cleaner source of the vital and all important Omega 3’s that we all need to consume in our diets. This essential fatty acid product isn’t an option for your health – it’s essential and necessary for your health.

Product Description

The “Very Finest Fish Oil” comes from deep, cold, ocean-water fish. It is processed and bottled in Norway to insure maximum freshness. Take by the teaspoonful, mix with foods, try it on salads! It has a refreshing lemon taste. THIS PRODUCT is regularly tested (using AOAC international protocols) for freshness, potency and purity by an independent, FDA-registered laboratory and has been determined to be fresh, fully potent and free of detectable levels of mercury, cadmium, lead, PCB’s and 28 other contaminants.

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids!

In an extensive study, investigators compared the amount of Omega 3’s in the blood of all their test subjects and concluded that the risk of sudden cardiac death was reduced by 90% in those whose levels were the highest.  Furthermore, arrhythmias (an abnormal heart rhythm) were reduced by 90% as well.

This is yet another reason to consume Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet regularly – healthy heart function.

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The fire of life…

“The fire of life seems to burn brighter in some than others.” 

By D.S. Miller

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