Most Supplements are Garbage!
The majority of supplements are worthless and waste of your money!
Various powder blends… items for the landfill. Various energy drinks… drink coffee instead, it’s abundant and actually good for you. Meal replacement bars and muscle building shakes… a lack of protein isn’t the problem here (even if you’re a bodybuilder). Exotic juices and berries in handsome bottles… all garbage! Juices are generally not healthy, of course the actual whole fruit or vegetable is. Save your money and buy the real deal at the store; fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
Scientists who study food and nutrition, at this very moment, don’t fully understand how the colors in fruits and vegetables keep us so healthy… so don’t believe the marketing of someone who knows even less than the scientists who study it.
We cannot bottle what we don’t understand.
Exceptions… maybe a good multi-vitamin supplement, Udo’s oil or flax oil and a good calcium citrate product with magnesium.
FACT: There’s NO replacement or substitution for clean, healthy food the way nature intended it. Man made food and supplements are inferior to the real thing.
Eat better! Eat Less! Move More!
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