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Archive for July 14th, 2010

Weight-loss Made Easy!

Two decades of personal training has taught me that people have strong habits and favored lifestyles… and those habits lead to weight-gain or weight-loss.  Generally speaking and for the majority of people… eat less of whatever you habitually consume and move more while doing it and you’re going to lose weight.  For instance, if you drink too much, drink less and move more!  If you eat fast food too much, eat out less and move more!  If you eat too many carbohydrates or too much fat, eat less of them and move more!  The majority of people eat too much and move too little.  Weight-loss is personal… start by simply eating less of what you eat the most and moving more!

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Arizona Road Racers Summer Series #4

Arizona Road Racers Summer Series #4

Kiwanis Park in Tempe, AZ

6111 South All American Way

Saturday July 17, 2010

Start Time: 6:30 AM


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