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Archive for April 11th, 2010

StrengthLab’s Field of Dreams!

StrengthLab was built with one very important point in mind – Freedom!  Freedom to train the right way – not the latest way.  Freedom to pursue my own personal fitness outside of the large burden a traditional facility would bring to the equation.  Freedom to build authentic relationships based on quality not quantity.  Freedom to enjoy the latest generation of fitness equipment without the burden of relying on less knowledgable staff.  In essence… freedom to enjoy my life with a proper balance and appreciation that it deserves while helping others reach their goals in a fresh and positive atmosphere.

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Brooks Cascadia Trail Shoe

I rarely push any make or model of running shoe because they’re just too personal in nature to the end user, so most runners should do their own research and buy what they like after some careful consideration.  However, keep in mind, that what works in the store, may not work well in actual application – it takes time and interest to get it right.  But the Brooks Cascadia (current model is Cascadia 5) are so good at what they’re intended to do that I can’t help but give them two thumbs up here.  They’re comfortable in all trail situations… stable on the jagged rocks, great in the off-road dirt, coupled with traction and a good fit – they’re simply hard to beat!  They’re even enjoyable when there’s no trail in sight.  http://www.brooksrunning.com/category/123195/Men%27s%20Shoes

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