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Archive for April 7th, 2010

Ignore What You Can’t Control.

Why waste your time trying to control what can’t be controlled?  When you get caught up in things over which you have no control, it merely affects those things over which you do have control.  Where’s your time better spent here?  Concentrate on what you can improve and change for the better and then be wise enough to know what’s out of your control and leave it be.  Time is so very limited – don’t waste it.

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No Second Guessing

I never second guess myself when things don’t work out.  Decisions have to be made using the information you had available to you at that moment.  Information that has already been shown to you… and the assumptions of what that information may lead to in the future… coupled with your life experiences and sound judgment is all you have to rely on and time is of the essence for all decisions.  So you pick a direction and you go!  Mistakes will be made, an experience will be earned and you move forward with better decision making skills in the future regardless of the outcome.

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