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Archive for April 3rd, 2010

Praise and Smiles!

Genuine smiles and authentic praise are so powerful and inspiring, yet most of us rarely provide any to others without desiring something in return.  I find it disconcerning how often I hear people say how awful other people are when the person providing the critique never has much of anything positive to say and never smiles at anyone else unless smiled at first.  Most people are good and most people are friendly and they could use your support.  I make it a practice to operate with less suspicion, more openess and let the other person prove me wrong.

UCLA’s John Wooden said it best… “it is better to trust and be disappointed occasionally, than mistrust and be miserable all the time.”

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Being Scared is Merely a Challenge.

All of us have fears… but the brave put down those fears, set aside those fears or push through those fears.  What greater challenge can be offered a human being than the opportunity to overcome their personal fears one by one as the challenges present themselves?

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