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Archive for April 9th, 2010

Make the Most of It!

I absolutely don’t believe that everything happens for a reason.  Where does one get this impression?  Is it merely a coping mechanism?  For instance, if a child is hit by a car and is thus killed, one could say to the parents everything happens for a reason, but where’s the reason in it for the child himself?  Things simply happen outside of our control – in which we don’t understand – and we must deal with it.  A quick remark that “everything happens for a reason” doesn’t cut it.  Simply put, we can make the most of the situation that we’re facing or we can make it worse with negative thoughts and actions.  If something happens and it appears to be bad it’s simply an opportunity to dig deeper, grow stronger, test ourselves and learn from it.  Therefore, adversity is an opportunity that should be dealt with constructively; the alternative is destructive thinking/behavior and that is pointless to those who depend on you.  On the other hand, good fortune is an opportunity as well (but of a different stripe of course) and it holds just as many valuable lessons if we’re wise enough to see them.  In other words, good fortune is just as hard to handle in many cases as is misfortune.  There’s plenty of lottery winners who can attest to that (80% of lottery winners file bankruptcy within 5 years) and perhaps ultra-successful Tiger Woods (as well as many other athletes) may have something to share on that as well.  Wherever you find yourself and whatever the situation, there are lessons to be learned and challenges to be negotiated – so make the most of them.

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Hope For Haiti 5K Saturday, April 4, 2010 at 8AM

Starts at Kiwanis Park in Tempe at 8AM – See you there!


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You vs You!

I’m nearing 40 years of age now… and in nearly 20 years of training others and competing in various activites mixed with all types of talent (from highschool kids to professional athletes) I’ve learned some very important lessons along the way.  One of those lessons is this… the contest is always within you!  You vs You!  You cannot simply measure yourself by what you accomplished on a particular day or in a given year of your life, but rather, by what you should have accomplished with the talent and conditions you found yourself in.  Measuring yourself by how close you got to realizing your own best you, in any given situation, is one of the best methods to self-improvement.

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Success Can Become a Problem!

Once we find a direction in life and we start to pursue it, we tend to stay focused on that goal until it’s met (i.e. finding a significant other, climbing the corporate ladder, buying a new home, etc.). In fact, most of us are setup to work harder on the way up toward our goals then to know what to do once we arrive at them.  Staying focused on a long-term goal can keep us motivated and out of trouble, but the day will arrive when the goal is met – then what?  This is where success met can become a problem.  A lack of humility and wisdom for the position in which we now find ourselves in, may land us looking failure straight in the eyes again.

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