Strengthlab on Feb 4th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
This line of thought is tired and flat out wrong! I don’t cheat on my wife in moderation and I don’t stab myself with a pocket knife in moderation either. A bit extreme? Not really. Poor choices are simply poor choices in any amount. Tighten it up!
Strengthlab on Feb 4th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
If you think there’s always a study to contradict the next study, you would be right. If you think there’s always a well performed and respected study to contradict the next well performed and respected study, you would be wrong. It’s not nearly as common. The media will report on any study, regardless of its merit, confusing the public on personal health issues. My suggestion, don’t listen to the media when it comes to your health information.
Strengthlab on Feb 4th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
Well, according to our media and those who parrot whatever they hear from others, it’s a magical and healthy substance, great for salads and cooking. In reality, it’s a processed vegetable oil that’s nothing but a calorie bomb! Avoid, as you would all vegetable oils!
Strengthlab on Feb 4th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
Vegetables are by far the most nutritious category of food in which to select our calories, but GREEN vegetables are far and away the captains of nutrition on a team full of All-Stars!