Strengthlab on Sep 30th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Chosen Soldier: The Making of a Special Forces Warrior By Dick Couch
Among America’s Special Forces, the Green Berets stand out because they can “do it all,” according to this enthusiastic account of their training. Ex-SEAL Couch (Down Range) explains that Green Berets not only fight, they teach: living in the world’s hot spots, they speak the language, win the trust of the locals, and train and fight alongside them to defeat a common enemy. They are the “Peace Corps with guns” and the key to winning the war on terror, he asserts. Only the most fit, smart, stable and multilingual need apply, but training is so rigorous that recruits first undergo 25 days of pretraining, from which only one-third proceed to Green Beret school, where attrition continues.

Strengthlab on Sep 29th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
You can’t give more than 100% effort.
Anyone who claims that they give more than this percentage doesn’t know what 100% effort looks or feels like.
When giving 100% genuine effort, there’s plenty of “suck value” without having to embellish the number.
Strengthlab on Sep 29th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
We can spend the majority of our lives in the lowlands of thought and the valleys of poor decision making or we can seek the mental high country through great and sustained effort.
Strengthlab on Sep 29th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
There are so few things in our lives that we can point to and say with absolute certainty “this improves my life.” Exercise is one of those things…
Strengthlab on Sep 29th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
No two clients are the same; capabilities and objectives, availability and mental appitude differ.
There’s a continuing awareness of what works and what doesn’t work well for each client here; changes, refinements and modifications are necessary to succeed.
What works for one… will frequently not work for another.
Both the mental, as well as the physical differences must be met in a successful personal training relationship.
Strengthlab on Sep 18th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
A bodybuilding centered program, focused on progressive overload, coupled with the overconsumption of protein is grossly inadequate.
Strength training is only one important component of fitness… endurance training is critical as well.
In fact, endurance training should occupy the majority of your fitness training time; not because it’s more important… it simply requires more time to execute.
Important to Note:
Endurance centered training programs – although much stronger than bodybuilding centered programs – are still insufficient when strength training is missing.
Strengthlab on Sep 18th 2011 Jerrod's Upcoming Event
See You there!
Sunday, September 18, 2011 @ 6:30 AM
Betty Fairfax High School
8225 S. 59th Ave Laveen, AZ
$20.00, $27.00, $30.00 Race Day
Registration Closing Date
Friday, September 16, 2011 @ 11:59 PM PST
Brief Description
Come and participate in the 3rd Annual Laveen 5K Run, held at Betty Fairfax High School on September 18, 2011 at 6:30 am. This year we are promoting a CUP-FREE RACE to help out mother nature! There will be NO paper cups provided at the race. Every runner will receive a custom HYDRAPOUCH in replacement of the t-shirt, please join us by supporting our CUP-FREE RACING.
This year we are promoting a CUP-FREE RACE to help out mother nature! There will be NO paper cups provided at the race. Every runner will receive a custom HYDRAPOUCH in replacement of the t-shirt, please join us by supporting our CUP-FREE RACING.
Strengthlab on Sep 18th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Do I have any interest in becoming a celebrity personal trainer?
I’ve been on television and radio and neither held any fascination to me; the opportunity to host a fitness radio show appeared years ago, I didn’t hesitate to say no.
The majority of celebrity personal trainers (if not all of them) are merely talking heads with extensive advisement available; they’re all show and no go literally.
Fashion line and protein powders?
Remind me… is this relationship all about the personal trainer or is it still about the client and their needs?
Strengthlab on Sep 13th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Everyone loves to spend money! The powerful feeling of novelty…
Purchase something new, something different, something especially significant… and you temporarily feel excited, renewed, maybe even improved.
Nevertheless, you can do the same thing with a fresh idea…
The difference between buying something new and a fresh idea?
Buying something new simply feels like progress… while a fresh idea is the very definition of progress.
Strengthlab on Sep 13th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
If we don’t have a job… then we’re desperately seeking one. If we have a job… then we’re frequently worried about losing it.
If we don’t have enough money… we constantly worry about making more. If we do have a lot of money, we’re frequently worried about losing it.
If we don’t have something… then we set to work trying to get it. Once we get it… we immediately set to work trying to obtain something else.
There’s no perfect scenario… enjoy the moment, enjoy the pursuit and realize you never arrive.
Or maybe – just maybe… it’s not that we never arrive, perhaps, it’s that we’ve arrived already.
Strengthlab on Sep 12th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Hearing someone complain about something gets old really fast.
Personally, I’d rather improve my position than sit around complaining about it.
If you’re weak at something… get stronger at it.
If you don’t know enough about something… educate yourself about it.
If you dont like something… fix what’s bothering you.
In other words, if you’re standing in shit… move your foot – that’s sure to improve your position.
Strengthlab on Sep 12th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Once we have the “basics of life” in our possession (such as food, shelter and security) there are very few things left (at any price) that can improve our lives like a higher-level of personal fitness.
Strengthlab on Sep 12th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
On Call in Hell: A Doctor’s Iraq War Story
At age thirty-eight, Navy Dr. Richard Jadick was too old to be called up to the front lines-but not too old to volunteer. This is the inspiring story of one man’s decision to enter into the fray-and a compelling account of courage under fire.

Strengthlab on Sep 12th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Fully Cooked and Fully Seasoned! Yum!
Refrigerated section – NOT frozen!
Heat them via the Grill (around 4 mins) or the Microwave (around 1 min)
Total Fat: 3.5 Grams
Total Carbs: 2 Grams
Total Protein: 23 Grams

Strengthlab on Sep 12th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
There’s always someone who thinks that they’re busier than the next guy… that the experienced discomfort is more intense for them than the next guy… that their situation is more unfortunate than the next guy… that they’ve sacrificed considerably more than the next guy. Save it!
If you really want something bad enough… you put your head down and you work at it… and you keep doing exactly that until you get the job done.
If the job is never done?
You simply keep your head down, keep pushing forward and practice not quitting.
Strengthlab on Sep 9th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Only 2 grams of fat per serving and only 2 grams of carbs!
1 serving is enough “egg salad” to make an entire sandwich!

Strengthlab on Sep 8th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Individuals who’ve recently read a book (or two) on diet and exercise, experienced some minor or major weightloss or even started a newfangled fitness program with some success, tend to fancy themselves budding experts. There’s a stark difference between an enthusiast and a professional… and it’s an important distinction in all matters of endeavor.
Strengthlab on Sep 8th 2011 Jerrod's Upcoming Event
See you there!
Being green is more important than ever. Help us lessen our impact on the environment with our Annual I-Did-A-Green-Run that features:
- Donate your old running shoes and receive a raffle ticket for each pair (raffle held after the race).
- Recycling bins separate from trash bins.
- A beautiful, quiet course away from traffic!
Make the event even greener by carpooling to the race, listening to nature instead of your MP3 player, and bringing your own water bottle to refill at aid stations.
Awards are given to 5k and 10k runners in the following age groups: 19 and under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and over.
The 10k is part of the ARR Grand Prix.
Entry is FREE for ARR members who register no later than August 27, 2011. Fees for other runners are listed below.
Race day registration begins at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 7:00 a.m. (no exceptions) as a courtesy to our volunteers who are also running. The 5k and 10k begin at 7:15 a.m. and the 1 mile fun run begins at 7:20 a.m.
Voting for the Arizona Road Racers Board of Directors also takes place at this race.
- Online registration is available at
- To register by mail, fill out the entry form, sign it and mail with payment to the address on the form.
- Race day registration is by cash or check only.
- The ARR Board of Directors provides free race entry for runners age 17 and under who register before 12:00 PM (noon) on September 9, 2011 (t-shirt not included). Full price must be paid on race day. Kid’s Entry Form
Strengthlab on Sep 8th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
If you’re healthy (which most of us are) and have what you need (which the majority of us do) take a moment right now to appreciate your life’s good fortune; because the majority of our personal good luck is out of our hands. We didn’t choose our genetics and we certainly didn’t choose our original geography… and myriad circumstances are frequently out of our control. Make no mistake about it… you’re lucky!
Strengthlab on Sep 8th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
I feel the likeness more then I feel the difference between myself and all of my clients; this is one of the keys to our success.
Strengthlab on Sep 4th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts – fully cooked and lightly seasoned
Eat them cold as a snack… or quickly prepare them in a dish.
Located in the refrigerated section – NOT frozen.

Strengthlab on Sep 4th 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Mentally wrestling with the complexity of what it means to be human and what that entails is nothing new; it’s essentially what it means to be fully human. Centuries of thought from kings to peasants, soldiers to philosophers, mothers to farmers is conveniently shared at the bookstore and our local library. Spend some quality time with this historical work and learn to live well.
Strengthlab on Sep 3rd 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
Certainly things that matter the most should have priority over things that matter the least… the trick is knowing the difference between them.
Strengthlab on Sep 3rd 2011 StrengthLab Thoughts
I see NO distinction between life’s lessons and the lessons learned through serious fitness; they coalesce together naturally if we simply put our mind to it.