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Archive for November, 2010

Easy on the Supplements!

For the past few years vitamin D has been the “It” vitamin, myriad studies trumpeting the supplement’s role in strengthening bones, reducing the risk of various types of cancers, heart disease, as well as fighting autoimmune diseases, even diabetes have been abundantly reported.  But current longterm research finds that there’s no proof that mega-doses of vitamin D prevent cancer, diabetes or other deleterious conditions as previously thought.  More importantly, longterm research is showing that mega-doses of vitamin D may cause the very diseases that were meant to be avoided.

Vitamin D is the latest supplement to have been heavily touted based on animal studies and human observation, yet, it failed to live up to expectations during rigorous longterm testing.  Furthermore, vitamin C and vitamin E supplements, as well as beta carotene and lycopene supplements were believed to prevent cancer and/or heart disease, but after longterm studies, they didn’t pan out and sometimes they even caused disease as well.

Bottom line: Organic Vegetables, Organic Fruits and Whole Grains are the answer – NOT supplements in the majority of cases.

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Desired Lifestyle is a Personal Choice!

If a specific, desired lifestyle is truly important to you, then you need to make purposeful decisions everyday that reflect that desired lifestyle.  From personal behavior and habits, to tastes and myriad purchases; from positive or negative attitudes, to your level of moral standards; from moment to moment reactions, to the longterm chosen career and social company that you keep, they all constitute the lifestyle that you’ve chosen for yourself. 

Choose wisely.

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Thanksgiving Day 10K!

Mesa Mi Amigo’s Turkey Trot!


Red Mountain Park
7745 E Brown Rd
Mesa, AZ


10K Run at 9:00 AM
2 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8:30 AM
1 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8:15 AM
Race Day Registration/Pick Up, 7:00 AM


$20 Postmaked by Nov 16
$22 Nov 17 – Nov 24
$25 Race Day at Park
$12 Kids 12 & Under thru Nov 24 $15 Day of Race

Proceeds from the event benefit the following:

Our two biggest charities are Care Partnership, a 501(c) 3, which is a wellness and community center built by The Sertoma Club members and the community. Care has a full time pediatric physician, dental care run by ASU students and dentists donating time, tutoring and mentoring students, family planning and food assistance, and a general community center spearheaded by its founder Bev Tittle-Baker. All the above as community service. In addition, we fund the Sequia School of hearing impaired students to enhance educating deaf children. We also support annual Constitution activities in our schools and community.

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Training For Confidence!

Your fitness training program should increase your confidence… this is a very important point that’s lost on many.  In other words, you must become more competent at what you’re doing to reach your fitness goals.  For illustration, select an activity that you initially enjoy, work to become more competent at it and you’ll find with increased competence comes increased confidence.  Confidence, in turn, fuels increased enjoyment of the activity and with increased enjoyment of the activity comes increased adherence.  Greater adherence to an activity leads to increased fitness and with increased fitness comes the confidence quality once again.  Train for confidence.

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Fruits and Vegetables that Contain the Most Pesticides!

We can reduce our exposure to pesticides SIGNIFICANTLY (by up to 80 percent) by buying the organic version of the following 12 items:

Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Blueberries, Nectarines, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens, Cherries, Potatoes, Grapes and Lettuce

Fact: 1 in 3 people, living and eating within the United States, will get cancer in their lifetime. 

Pesticides are poison – and many varieties of pesticide can be used on a single produce item.  In fact, all of the above mentioned items tested positive for over 30 different types of pesticide residue.

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The Farm at South Mountain (for Lunch)

The Restaurant’s Story:

Born from an ancient riverbed that blessed the grounds with naturally-rich soil, The Farm’s vision of sustainability was originally conceived by Dwight Heard (benefactor of the Heard Museum) in the early 1920’s. He acquired a large parcel of land and then subdivided the property into two-acre parcels which he sold for the whopping sum of $1,150 with the distinct purpose of promoting self-sufficiency. Heard offered a cow and fifty chickens with each purchase.

In keeping with the early philosophy, the ten acres just south of Southern and 32nd Street was planted with 100 pecan trees, and for over 40 years was nurtured by a retired cattleman by the name of Skeeter Coverdale. Ultimately Skeeter determined it was too much work to care for the trees and harvest the 5,000 pounds of nuts each year. He wanted to move to Punkin Center where he could buy a trailer, “drink beer, swat flies, and tell lies” – so he did!

Today, the owner A. Wayne Smith has preserved the wondrous sense of rural tranquility and vision of sustainability with independently owned businesses that contribute to the cultural, educational, restorative and economic environments that thrive on the historic land. According to Gourmet Magazine, dining beneath the pecan trees at The Farm “… is a spiritual experience for those who journey to this 12-acre organic oasis.”

The Farm Kitchen (lunch only) is the original restaurant at The Farm serving delicious sandwiches, fresh soups, seasonal salads and made-from-scratch baked goods in picnic baskets.  Relax alone under the shady pecan trees or bring a group to celebrate an occasion. Kid friendly, dog friendly and perfect for Baby Showers, Birthday Parties, Wedding Showers, Rehearsal Dinners, as well as social and family gatherings. 

“Finest Arizona Wedding Site” – 2010 Frontdoors News Network

“Best Local Treasure” – 2010 AZCentral.com Best of Awards

“Best Patio Dining” – 2010 AZCentral.com Best of Awards

“Top 10 Dog Friendly Restaurants Nationwide” – Petside.com

“Business That Gets It” – 2010 Social Media AZ SMAZZIE Awards

“Best Patio Dining” – 2008 Phoenix New Times Best of Awards

“Best Picnic Under Pecan Trees” – Arizona Highways Magazine

6106 S. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85042
(just south of Southern on the west side of 32nd Street)
(602) 276-7288

Closed Monday!  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-3pm

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Earning Respect…

No matter what we do, no matter how much effort we put forward, no matter what and who we become… we cannot win everyone’s respect.

Nevertheless, these aforementioned qualities do play a critical role in winning our own respect… and that’s certainly more important and longer lasting.

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How Much is Enough?

The majority of the world currently lives in wretched poverty and endemic disease – how much do you and I really need to live well?

Perhaps we shouldn’t be comparing ourselves to just our neighbors…

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Most Nutrient Rich Food!

Vegetables are far and away the most nutrient rich food available; meaning they provide the most vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fats, protein and fiber for the least amount of calories.  By contrast, they’re the least consumed food in this nation in their natural state (rather then super-heated or processed)! 

Consume a wide variety of clean, colorful vegetables (and organic when possible) in their most natural state daily… and weight-loss and good health are nearly assured when coupled with consistent exercise and rest.

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Is it Nature or Nurture?

The question frequently asked, “is this current or future problem genetic (a.k.a nature) or is it primarily the result of what I’ve been doing (a.k.a. nurture)?” 

Well, it’s fast becoming clear that it doesn’t matter what the answer to this classic question is – it’s simply the wrong question that’s continually being asked.

Virtually everything experienced in your life is something that you can do something about, regardless of its origination.

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Arcadia Farms Restaurants!

For over twenty years Arcadia Farms has used local organically grown, pesticide-free, hormone-free and trans fat-free ingredients in all recipe.  In addition, Arcadia Farms promotes sustainable cuisine by supporting local farmers and inspiring the public to make healthy food choices.  3 locations!


Arcadia Farms, Scottsdale
Phoenix Art Museum Café
Arcadia Farms, Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts

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Hippocrates Knew Best!

Let healthy and nutritious food be your medicine… and, if we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.

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RAW Nuts and Seeds!

Organic RAW nuts and seeds support good health and are a tremendous resource for dense, natural nutrition! They should be purchased in small bags and kept refrigerated between uses; the oils contained within a nut or seed are highly perishable when exposed to oxygen. They should not be purchased from grocery store bulk bins or in large quantities for the same reason mentioned above. Dry roasted is never a good choice, the valuable oils have been destroyed through the roasting process and have lost the health qualities they once possesed.  And, although extremely healthy, nuts and seeds should be consumed in small quantities because of the density of their calories.

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“Whole Foods” Defined!

Whole foods are typically grown – not made!  They’re unprocessed and unrefined (or at least contain very little of either) before being consumed. Whole foods typically don’t contain added ingredients such as sugar, salt, fat, various chemicals or artificial ingredients.  They’re grown the way nature intended them (or at least as close as possible) before being molded by human ingenuity. 

For example, sunflower seeds being placed inside a press to be squeezed of their oil is an example of processing (albeit minimal processing).  On the other hand, the sunflower seed in it’s entirety, before being pressed of its oil, is an example of a whole food.  Furthermore, a naturally grown chicken or turkey and the flesh they produce, is considered whole food until adulterated or combined with extraneous ingredients such as the ones mentioned above.

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Don’t Cook with Oils!

Regardless of the oil variety and long before it’s particular smoke point, heated oil is damaged unhealthily during the process of cooking.  This carcinogenic (cancer promoting) heat damage is not safe for consumption and because it’s done frequently and with many foods, day after day and year after year, your exposure to its ill-effects are numerous.  The healthier alternatives when cooking with heat, are boiling water or steam, as well as animal or vegetable broths (made from scratch or purchased) and poaching.

Healthy cooking includes steaming, sautéing in broths and poaching over lower heat temperatures and for shorter periods of time.  If you insist on cooking with oil, olive and canola oils of any variety are not recommended, rather use organic high-oleic sunflower or safflower oils; they withstand high cooking temperatures best.  Moreover, use organic extra virgin olive oil after the cooking is done to spruce up the dish!

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Finished Reading: The World’s Healthiest Foods

Amazon Description:

George Mateljan’s new book takes healthy eating to a whole new level. It presents a unique nutrient-rich approach to the “Healthiest Way of Eating” with 500 Mediterranean-style recipes, most of which take 7 minutes or less to prepare. This book answers the question about what to eat to keep healthy. It focuses on the World’s Healthiest Foods, 100 delicious foods that are nutrient-rich, providing the maximum number of nutrients for the least amount of calories. The book is an inspiration not only for those who want to achieve vibrant health and energy but for those who also want a healthier way to lose weight by making the World’s Healthiest Foods the foundation of their “Healthiest Way of Eating.” The World’s Healthiest Foods are among the most flavorful foods in the world – so you can now eat healthier without sacrificing taste! George also explains why it is not any more expensive to eat healthy. The book complements the material on the whfoods.org website with innovative new ways to maximize the nutritional value of the World’s Healthiest Foods and minimize preparation time using quick and easy recipes that anyone can make.


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Enjoyable Food Experience!

Selecting and eating nutritious whole foods is quite enjoyable; tasting the abundant, natural flavors, carefully cooking with healthy methods (or not cooking them at all) and maintaining good preparation hygiene of the food are all enjoyable experiences.  On the other hand, if this sounds like a great waste of time to you, learning more about food and it’s importance to your health may be something you should reconsider.

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Disease is Lifestyle Related

Research continues to show consistently, that diets including fresh organic vegetables, whole fruits, various beans and nuts, as well as whole grains, are the best way to avoid disease risk factors of nearly every kind.  Remember… 90% – 95% of all human disease is lifestyle related before old age occurs.  

Eat more whole, nutrient rich foods, exercise intelligently and consistently, sleep 7-8 hours each night and minimize your daily stress to stay  healthy.

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Should You Go Gluten Free?

Unless you have *Celiac Disease or find yourself allergic to this protein, there are NO health benefits to going “Gluten Free”. Gluten is a common protein found in particular grains (and various processed products made from these grains) such as wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats; and although Gluten Free products are currently popular, avoiding them holds no health or weight-loss advantages of any kind.     *Celiac disease is an inherited, autoimmune disease in which the
lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating the gluten protein.

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