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Archive for December 29th, 2009

The 4 Most Influential Authors in My Life…

Books become influential to someone not just for there content but for the timing of the information as well.  These 4 people, their ideas and/or biographies have had the most important influence upon me.

They are in No particular order:

Ralph Waldo Emerson (biographies and his prose)

-Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (biographies and her philosophy).

Jack Kerouac multiple biographies (did Not enjoy his books)

Henry David Thoreau (biographies and prose)

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Finished Reading: Kant a Biography

Because I spend so much time reading health and fitness related subjects, I make a concerted effort to read other genres of material concurrently. And although my love for health and fitness has provided well for me, it certainly would create an intellectual imbalance if taken as the only ingredient to my daily thoughts.


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