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Archive for October 9th, 2009

A Note on Courage!

Courage is not necessarily a single act, rather, it’s more broadly defined by a lifetime of correct actions, even under difficult circumstances. Many spend their whole lives not knowing if they have significant courage. Physical fitness provides a benign and relatively safe venue to test yourself at the deepest level physically, as well as emotionally. What a great opportunity!

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Ode to Fitness!

If I were to wish for anything… I would not wish for wealth or power but for the intense energy and passion that comes from a high level of fitness. There’s nothing I would rather have personally, than my good health and the deep vitality that comes from its possession.

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Do U have to Suffer?

Losing weight and getting fit is hard work and you’re going to be uncomfortable with hunger pangs, sore muscles and fatigue at times. But do you know the difference between pain and suffering? Your perception of the experience… that’s it. Being uncomfortable is only suffering if you think about it in this negative way. Embrace the conditions and make all that hard work a sense of pride, satisfaction and accomplishment.

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