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Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids!

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, meaning they’re required for human life, they cannot be produced internally, they must be consumed. It’s estimated that over 60% of us get too many Omega 6 fatty acids (readily available in our diets) and over 95% of us get too little of the Omega 3 fatty acids (infrequently found in our diets). Too much of  one and too little of the other inevitably leads to sub-optimal functioning of the human body (physical as well as mental), soon followed by cell degeneration, followed by minor, then major disease, to death… long before the aging process is complete. 

Recommended Products:

If your diet is average use the following product: 

1.  Carlson Fish Oil Liquid Omega-3 (Lemon or Orange Flavored)


If your diet is above average and low fat (meaning mostly vegetables, fruits and grains) use one of the following products:

1. Udo’s Blended Oils (with DHA)


2. Organic Hemp Oil (least expensive option and great for long-term use)


3. Organic Flax Oil (not good for long-term ingestion due to the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acid content, use for no more than 6 months)  


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