Strengthlab on Jan 11th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
Don’t even consider working with a personal trainer in their 20’s or early 30’s! They have no idea what physical limitations await them in the near future, but you certainly do; find the right program and the right trainer for your age!
Strengthlab on Jan 11th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
We don’t need special diets, human engineered pre-packaged foods, fancy supplements, powders or magical potions… the unprofitable simple truth concerning almost every health ailment we suffer from in our culture can be cured by eating fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables, lean proteins, beans, raw nuts, raw seeds, whole grains and avoiding artificial ingredients.
Strengthlab on Jan 11th 2015 StrengthLab Thoughts
Recent findings published in “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise” have found that treadmill running provides a non-pharmacological means to fighting cognitive declines due disease and aging; one could infer that other vigorous exercise performed regularly would have the same positive effect.