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Archive for August 14th, 2014

Inner Growth and Physical Development!

Lasting satisfaction and peace of mind are more likely to come from inner growth and physical development; but the majority of us spend the bulk of our time seeking things and acting on things that won’t make us any happier or any healthier.

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It Speaks for Itself!

There’s real honesty in a high level of personal fitness; strength, endurance and speed are literally demonstrated rather than talked about or merely imagined.

We can say what we want, to whomever will listen, but hard earned physical capacities speak for themselves.

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The “Dialogic” Process!

Conversations between a professional personal trainer and client, that will gradually change a client’s behavior and lifestyle, through accurate health and fitness information, is one example of the dialogic process; it’s a combination of dialogue and logic, that informs and continues to inform over time, altering a client’s current and sometimes negative trajectory.

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