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Archive for August 1st, 2014

Majority of Trainers Not Qualified!

The majority of personal trainers are simply not qualified to train their clients; they lack any real depth of health and fitness knowledge and their personal experience with health and fitness is merely superficial. Young and attractive is frequently their primary asset…

The personal training industry is virtually swimming in certifications. Whereas some certifiying programs demand a broad-based understanding of human anatomy and physiology, others require much less from their participants, usually just a few of their dollars. There’s no standardized testing in the industry; applicants often can get away with taking either a weekend course or even just an online exam before calling themselves personal trainers and many will even skip this rudimentary step before doing so.

Look for depth in health and fitness knowledge (Degree and Certification), decades of personal training experience and an on-going participation in physical activities and athletics!

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Wisdom in Action!

Wisdom is best defined by using facts that remain true, over a long period of time and regardless of extending circumstances, to make decisions and guide our behavior. A willingness to search for resolutions when there’s a personal conflict, or awareness of the personal limits of one’s own knowledge, are examples of wisdom in action. Demonstrating gratitude for the things that are right in our lives, rather than complaining about what may be wrong, and remembering that wisdom is something that can be strengthen through effort, not just through mere biological age, are strong characteristics of wisdom as well. When personal problems ensue, it’s best to realize that we all have strong egos and it’s best to work toward middle ground if the relationship is important to us.

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