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Archive for July 18th, 2014

Is “CrossFit” For You?

It’s certainly a viable method of exercise for a select niche of the population, the majority of which are young with forgiving bodies and spare energy to burn. For the rest of the aging population, with physical limitations, bodies that are increasingly less forgiving with little energy to throw away, CrossFit is generally inappropriate with a significant rate of injury and failure to adhere.

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What You Can Recover From, Consistently!

Increases in physical strength and fitness is something that happens over time as you practice good technique, with the proper exercises, at just the right amount of intensity, duration and frequency; the problem is that most, including personal trainers, have no idea how to apply these principles, when in fact they believe they do. It’s not how hard you workout that leads to success, it’s what can you recover from consistently, that is your key.

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