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Archive for July, 2014

Protein Supplements?

Protein supplements are widely popular in the United States, but they shouldn’t be… protein consumption is already quite high and protein is plentiful in every restaurant and grocery store throughout the nation. Furthermore, it’s expensive per serving and there’s absolutely no health benefits to consuming “excess” protein. In most cases, protein supplements are sold as meal replacements or marketed as necessary for muscle stimulation and/or growth… neither are viable options for purchase, it’s purely marketing hype.

Meal replacement? Eat a healthy colorful salad that provides more nutrition per ounce than any supplement could ever provide, as well as the benefits of healthy weight-loss.

Muscle growth? Follow a quality weight training program and put in the yearly “sweat equity” that’s required to move you toward your physical goals; you already get enough protein, more will not assist in reaching your objectives.

Important to note here: Expensive shampoos and lotions that provide protein in their products are a waste of money as well. You cannot strengthen your hair, nails, or skin through the surface of your body… the improvement starts from the inside by what you consume.

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Finished Reading: Why We Get Fat!

Building upon his critical work in Good Calories, Bad Calories and presenting fresh evidence for his claim, Gary Taubes revisits the urgent question of what’s making us fat—and how we can change.

He reveals the bad nutritional science of the last century—none more damaging or misguided than the “calories-in, calories-out” model of why we get fat—and the good science that has been ignored. He also answers the most persistent questions: Why are some people thin and others fat? What roles do exercise and genetics play in our weight? What foods should we eat, and what foods should we avoid? Persuasive, straightforward, and practical, Why We Get Fat is an essential guide to nutrition and weight management.




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Challenge Yourself!

Humility isn’t weakness, it’s simply acknowledging that we have personal limitations; what is weakness, is not pushing right up against those personal limitations.

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Anxiety, Stress and Food!

Food has a natural calming effect on us physiologically, which is one of the primary reasons many of us overeat as a coping strategy; cutting through the psychological layers is important in order to gain control of our eating. We can work on that here.

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No Time to Exercise?

In survey after survey, the primary reason cited for not exercising, is lack of free of time – there’s simply not enough of it. However, surveys consistently find that those who do exercise regularly are just as busy as those who don’t. So, it’s really not a question of free time at all, that’s just an another excuse. It’s really a question of priority… we either take the time to exercise or we don’t.

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Think of Others!

The superior man seeks what is right; the inferior one, what is profitable. Confucius

Think about what is right, rather than what is best for you personally; put your ethics before your comfort.

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Is “CrossFit” For You?

It’s certainly a viable method of exercise for a select niche of the population, the majority of which are young with forgiving bodies and spare energy to burn. For the rest of the aging population, with physical limitations, bodies that are increasingly less forgiving with little energy to throw away, CrossFit is generally inappropriate with a significant rate of injury and failure to adhere.

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What You Can Recover From, Consistently!

Increases in physical strength and fitness is something that happens over time as you practice good technique, with the proper exercises, at just the right amount of intensity, duration and frequency; the problem is that most, including personal trainers, have no idea how to apply these principles, when in fact they believe they do. It’s not how hard you workout that leads to success, it’s what can you recover from consistently, that is your key.

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Revisiting: Mastering Krav Maga

6 DVD Set — Self-Defense (Beginner to Advanced)

Mastering Krav Maga (Vol. I), Israeli Krav Maga Association U.S. Chief Instructor David Kahn teaches essential techniques to defend against all manners of unarmed attack from the yellow, orange, and green belt levels of the Israeli krav maga curriculum (beginner to advanced). The DVDs are companions to David’s two books (St. Martins Press), Krav Maga and Advanced Krav Maga.

Many of these latest-evolution techniques have not seen outside of Israel; the most up-to-date, authoritative and comprehensive unarmed krav maga instruction available.

DVD 1 – Upper Body Combatives

DVD 2 – Upper Body Defenses

DVD 3 – Lower Body Combatives and Defenses

DVD 4 – Retzev (“Continuous Combat Motion”), Choke, and Grab Releases

DVD 5 – Takedowns, Controls, Clinches and Multiple Opponents

DVD 6 – Ground fighting

Instructor: David Kahn received his advanced blackbelt teaching certifications from Grandmaster Haim Gidon, 10th dan. David trains the public, celebrities and federal, state and municipal law enforcement agencies along with the U.S. and British militaries in the Israeli method.


Mastering Krav Maga (Volume I) 6 DVD Set -- Self-Defense (Beginner to Advanced)

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Higher Brain Rules the Lower Brain with Effort!

There’s no problem with having a weak thought, it’s certainly the behavior that may soon follow that weak thought that matters most.

Primary emotions and impulses originate in our lower “automatic brain” called the cerebellum, and frequently, if not most of the time, without our personal volition.

The cerebrum (the higher brain) is where we decide to give merit and eventual action to these emotions and impulses or to redirect them in a more positive and constructive pattern of thought or simply ignore them.

We can’t always control the initial emotion (or impulse) but we certainly have the capacity to decide what to do with it.

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Currently Revisiting: Total Immerison

The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier

Swim better—and enjoy every lap—with Total Immersion, a guide to improving your swimming from an expert with more than thirty years of experience in the water.

Terry Laughlin, the world’s #1 authority on swimming success, has made his unique approach even easier for anyone to master. Whether you’re an accomplished swimmer or have always found swimming to be a struggle, Total Immersion will show you that it’s mindful fluid movement—not athletic ability—that will turn you into an efficient swimmer. This new edition of the bestselling Total Immersion features:

· A thoughtfully choreographed series of skill drills—practiced in the mindful spirit of yoga—that can help anyone swim more enjoyably
· A holistic approach to becoming one with the water and to developing a swimming style that’s always comfortable
· Simple but thorough guidance on how to improve fitness and form
· A complementary land-and-water program for achieving a strong and supple body at any age

Based on more than thirty years of teaching, coaching, and research, Total Immersion has dramatically improved the physical and mental experience of swimming for thousands of people of all ages and abilities.



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Positive or Negative Self-Belief?

The personal view that we set for ourselves greatly affects our lives; it determines who we are currently, who we will become and what we will accomplish.

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