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Archive for May 23rd, 2014

Warrior Ethos!

The Warrior Ethos goes well beyound soldiers and battlefields… in other words, we all fight our own personal battles, frequently far away from open and armed conflict. We work to define why we exist and what matters to us. We struggle for our position in society and for what we believe in. We fight for our families, our friends and even against the aging process. I believe in this kind of fight and what it can make of us.

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Bulging Belly, Big Risk!

One of the largest studies ever to examine the dangers of male and female abdominal fat was recently concluded – and those with the biggest waistlines have twice the risk of dying over a decade compared to those with the smallest waistlines.  A bulging midsection also leads to an increase in dementia, heart disease and breast cancer.  Carrying all your extra weight in the middle of your body comes at a big risk!  It’s time to eat better and start exercising more if this applies to you.

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