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Archive for March 29th, 2014

Get Moving!

There’s a large and substantiated drop in disease rates among those who have been sedentary who simply begin to exercise moderately. Get Moving!

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Fat Burning Zone?

Despite what is written on your treadmill, and various other fitness equipment for that matter, slow, or lower intensity exercise does not put you in some “magical” fat burning zone; this notion was made popular by treadmill manufacturers in order to keep health club members on their treadmills longer, requiring many gyms to purchase more treadmills in order to keep club members satisfied in regards to treadmill availability.

Clearly stated: 30 minutes of high intensity exercise on a treadmill will burn more calories than 30 minutes of low intensity exercise on the same treadmill, in the same conditions; obviously burning overall calories and not regaining them through consumption post workout is integral to maintaining or losing weight.

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Isolated Nutrients are Misguided!

Isolated nutrients (such a vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) taken as supplements to our existing diet or artificially added to a product found on a store shelf where it’s then called fortified, is simply a misunderstood concept and grossly inadequate for good health. For instance, vitamin C, is only one single compound of hundreds of compounds found within a single fruit or vegetable. Consuming more of it, when there’s no dietary deficiency (which is normally the case for all of us) without the other compounds, is misguided and unsafe. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants consumed singularly, in large doses typically found in many store bought supplements, have proven to actually increase disease in carefully performed research on humans; so much so, the studies were halted early because cancer rates were increasing significantly in the participants – not decreasing as desired!

Case in Point: The majority of our bodies are made of water (65-70% of our bodies); drink normally and things function as they should. But, supplement your normal drinking habits with excess water and you end up in the hospital with Hyponatremia (a metabolic condition in which there is not enough sodium in the body fluids outside the cells because of over-hydration).

If something is good for you, then more must be better… is simply poor thinking.

Many of us fail to realize how smart and complicated our physical bodies really are; they are indeed very clever machines that know what they require; real food and real ingredients provide what our bodies need, don’t believe the mass-marketing of supplement companies.

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The Unpopular and Unprofitable Simple Truth!

We don’t need special diets, human engineered pre-packaged foods, fancy supplements, powders or magical potions… the unpopular and unprofitable SIMPLE truth concerning almost every health ailment we suffer from in our culture can be cured by eating fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, avoiding artificial ingredients, exercising regularly, sleeping adequately and maintaining healthy relationships.

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Diet Drinks Need to Go!

Women who drink the most diet sodas may also be more likely to develop heart disease and even to die, according to a new study published Saturday.  Researchers found women who drank two or more diet drinks a day were 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular “event,” and 50 percent more likely to die, than women who rarely touch such drinks.  The findings, being presented at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology, don’t suggest that the drinks themselves are killers.  But women who toss back too many diet sodas may be trying to make up for unhealthy habits, experts say.  “Our study suggests an association between higher diet drink consumption and mortality,” said Dr. Ankur Vyas, a cardiovascular disease expert at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinic, who led the study.  “It’s not an extreme risk,” he added.  Research has long shown that artificially sweetened drinks are not health drinks. While they may help people avoid more dangerous sugary sodas, studies show they don’t help people lose weight.  Vyas’s team studied nearly 60,000 middle-aged women taking part in a decade-long study of women’s health. They filled out a questionnaire on food and drinks as part of the study, including detailed questions on diet sodas and diet fruit drinks.  After just under nine years, the researchers checked to see what happened to the womens’ health. They found that 8.5 percent of the women who drank two or more diet drinks a day had some sort of heart disease, compared to 6.8 percent of those who drank four or fewer drinks a week and 7.2 percent in those who drank none or just a couple a month.  “We only found an association, so we can’t say that diet drinks cause these problems,” Vyas said.  And that’s a fairly low risk, given that heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States and is very, very common.  The women who drank the most drinks were also more likely to smoke, to be overweight, to have diabetes and to have high blood pressure, Vyas noted.  About one in five people in the U.S. consume diet drinks on a given day, according to federal survey data.

By Maggie Fox NBC News

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