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Archive for December 28th, 2013

Violent Video Games, Movies and Television!

Children who are the least aggressive in nature, but are exposed to violent mass media, are more likely to get into fights, altercations and trouble than children who are very aggressive but avoid this kind of toxic exposure.

Anyone who still believes that violent video games, movies and television have no negative effect on our children or even many adults for that matter, are simply misinformed or totally uninformed.

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Enlightenment, not entertainment!

The entertainment value and escapism associated with mass media, such as the vast majority of movies and video games in our culture today, is a grand waste of time; we should be concerning ourselves with enlightenment, not meaningless entertainment.

It’s fairly easy to judge a man or woman accurately by simply knowing the standard of entertainment they enjoy and the amount of it.

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Anxiety, Stress and Food!

Food has a natural calming effect on us physiologically, which is one of the primary reasons many of us overeat as a coping strategy; cutting through the psychological layers is important in order to gain control of our eating. We can work on that here.

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