Strengthlab on Oct 29th 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
Reducing and keeping our body-fat within a healthy range for a lifetime is a lifestyle choice; the right choices in food and beverage consumed and the right choices in exercise taken. There’s no short-term solution to maintaining low body-fat and those who pursue it well, realize the pursuit never ends.
Strengthlab on Oct 29th 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
Unfortunately, the association between consuming meat and being manly is alive and well today, as is the association of eating meat and being financially successful. Health and longevity studies overwhelmingly conclude, this short-sighted and shallow approach to nutrition, is a primary cause of many of our health problems within the United States: heart disease and numerous cancers are linked to animal proteins as well.
Strengthlab on Oct 25th 2012 Jerrod's Upcoming Event
See you there!
Race Information
Event: Half-Marathon & 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run
When: Saturday, October 27th, 7am Start
Where: South Mountain Park, Phoenix, AZ
Parking: At South Mountain Park (FREE)
Packet & Shirt Pick Up:
Thursday Oct. 25th @ Roadrunners in Scottsdale
Friday Oct. 26th @ Roadrunners in Tempe
from 2pm to 7pm
Race Day at South Mountain Park
from 5am-6:30am
Strengthlab on Oct 22nd 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
This low-fat Ranch yogurt based salad dressing is a real treat – you might want to give it a try!
Located in your grocery store within the refrigerated area of the produce section.
- 75% Fewer Calories and 85% Lower Fat than the leading brand
- Great Savory Taste (Only 2.5 Grams of Fat Per Serving)
- Rich and Creamy Flavor
- No Preservatives, No Artificial Flavors and No MSG
- Gluten Free
- Versatile – Use as Dressing, Dip, or as a Marinade!

Strengthlab on Oct 22nd 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
The majority of us – if not all of us – suffer from food sensitivity or outright intolerance of particular foods or entire genres of food at some point in our lives.
The following segment, which aired recently on The Dr. OZ Show “Could You Have a Hidden Food Allergy?” is worth your time:
Strengthlab on Oct 22nd 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
Reckless behavior is most obvious when it’s on the big stage – driving under the influence while ignoring traffic laws for instance. But it’s frequently more subtle, yet, with consequences just as dire; minor decisions made that eventually have devastating consequences. Processed food, instead of consuming whole food. Pursuing short term pleasure, instead of long term happiness. Thinking too much about ourselves and not enough about others. Disloyality, instead of showing loyality. Rude behavior, instead of courtesy. Recklessness at this level is more likely to be our problem.
Strengthlab on Oct 22nd 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
Fate refers to external forces outside of our personal control that pre-determine the outcome regardless of our personal efforts; there are certainly things outside of our control but the outcome is more frequently personally determined. The food we eat, the habits we follow, the choices we make, can and frequently do determine the outcome. For instance, how and what we consume certainly determines how we age and the length of our longevity, as well as the quality of our life as we age. Our fate is not predetermined… we should make good decisions based on what we want to happen, instead of pretending that we don’t hold the reigns.
Strengthlab on Oct 21st 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
There’s real honesty in a high level of personal fitness. Strength, endurance and speed are literally demonstrated, rather than talked about or merely imagined. We can say what we want, to whomever will listen, but hard earned physical capacities speak for themselves.
Strengthlab on Oct 11th 2012 Jerrod's Upcoming Event
See you there!
White Tank Mountain Regional Park, Waddell, Arizona.
Saturday, October 13th, 2012
6:15 to 7:00am:
Race day registration.
Mini ChaCha (3 mile) Start!
Full ChaCha (7 mile) Start!
Mini ChaCha Awards presentation (top 3 male & female).
Full ChaCha Awards presentation (top 3 male & female).
Raffle drawing (must be present to win).
All morning: Fiesta! Music, friends, and tons of refreshments.
Strengthlab on Oct 10th 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
If necessary choosing only one strength training exercise for the lower body would be easy, i.e. *Alternating Barbell Lunges!
Performed with quality in mind, not quantity, very little energy and time are required to target the quadriceps and glutes effectively. And, although, there are various forms of lunges frequently performed in the gym (with and without dumbbells) these are definitely in a class of their own. From serious athletes to fitness enthusiasts this is the gold-standard of useful lower-body development and should be kept close at hand in your exercise quiver.
*Perform lunges standing in one location and alternating back and forth between left and right legs. Weight should be carefully selected in order to knock out 20-30 repetitions per set with good technique.

Strengthlab on Oct 8th 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
Regardless of our chosen method of exercise (e.g. running, golfing, biking, tennis, walking, etc.) appropriate resistance training should be our top priority!
Structured strength training benefits our performances within these physical activites with improved motor control, improved fatigue resistance of the muscle fibers involved, more efficient, stronger contractions and lowered risk of injury.
Without appropriate resistance training, muscle imbalances will eventually manifest themselves due to the repetitive nature of the movements, leading to injuries and even cessation of the physical activity due to incapacitation. Moreover, the aging process will eventually lead to muscle imbalances and general overall weakness as well without dedicated resistance training.
Strengthlab on Oct 8th 2012 StrengthLab Thoughts
The headlines claim rightly that there’s an obesity epidemic in this country. They also claim that the obesity epidemic is of unknown origin but we’re desperately seeking it’s cause through science. Artificial ingredients? Lack of physical activity and exercise? Hereditary causes that are beyond our control? Too much stress and lack of sleep in our lives? The bottom line is… we’re simply overfed.
We feed too often and we feed too much on things that we primarily shouldn’t be eating or drinking in the first place.
Strengthlab on Oct 6th 2012 Jerrod's Upcoming Event
See You There!
October 7, 2012 – 7:00 am
9K Run (representing 9 months of pregnancy) presented by Luis Gonzalez – Going Gonzo for Kids
10K Run presented by Texas Roadhouse
3 Mile Run / Walk presented by Mercy Gilbert Medical Center
Kids’ Dash