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Archive for November 18th, 2011

Definite Decisions!

There’s tremendous value in making a clear and definite decision; even small decisions should not be left unresolved for long. Matters that need deciding, but remain undecided, create low-levels of anxiety, soon leading to greater levels of anxiety and potentially disorders and disease in time. Make a conclusive decision with the information that you have available to you, when the decision is required, and change course only if new information makes the original course of action implausible. To be wrong on occassion is to be expected… but avoiding the maddening effect of matters unresolved, going round and round in your head, is worth the occasional imperfection.

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The World is Better!

The following excerpt was taken from “I can Turn Myself into a Shouting Optimist” written by Roger Babson.

It was true when he wrote it… and it’s still true now.

“The more I read, the more sharply I realize that the world has always been tottering on the brink.  The pages of history fairly shriek with tragic tales of war, famine, poverty, pestilence and man’s inhumanity to man.  After reading history for an hour, I realize that bad as conditions are now, they are infinitely better than they use to be.  This enables me to see and face my present troubles in their proper perspective, as well as to realize that the world as a whole is constantly growing better.”

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