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Archive for January 2nd, 2011

Required for Life!

Over two-thirds of the deaths in the United States directly involve malnutrition (and this could be as high as 95% according to some studies). In other words, there are approximately 45 essential nutrients that our bodies cannot make internally (they must be consumed) and the majority of the population is lacking in at least 20-23 of these essential nutrients on a daily basis, leading directly to degeneration (sub-optimal health), disease and then finally premature death.

Required for Life: Two Essential Fats (Omega 3 and Omega 6), 20-21 Minerals and 13 Vitamins (otherwise known as micro-nutrients), Carbohydrates and Proteins (8-11 amino acids dependent on age), Oxygen and Sunlight. This does not include (but should) all the antioxidants and phyto-nutrients that we are only beginning to find and understand through the study of nutrition. Fiber, in both the soluble and insoluble forms, that perform absorption of toxins and daily sweeping of the intestines, are vital to longterm health as well.

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Ingested, Inhaled, Exposed!

We have very little control over our personal physiology and biochemistry after we have consumed or ingested something, after we have breathed or inhaled something and/or after we have come in contact with or exposed oursleves to something physically. In fact, our good health starts and ends with these three decisions… choose wisely.

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Great Sacrifices for Small Rewards?

I’ve found repeatedly, that the majority of people, spend the majority of their time each day doing things that don’t exactly bring them very much enjoyment. That’s what I would consider to be a great sacrifice, with very little reward. With great sacrifices, should come great rewards… are you getting great rewards for your time?

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