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Archive for March 3rd, 2010

5K vs the Marathon!

I’ve been an athlete for over 20 years and marathons have never stacked up to the 5K distance when it comes to overall health and fitness.

For a one-off challenge (or maybe a year or two of your training life) the marathon rules!  But from a longevity perspective there’s really no competition, the 5K event distance breaks the marathons back head to head!    

Here’s Why:

First of all, training for a 5K race distance has a much higher rate of adherence among its participants than a marathon event simply because it’s a shorter distance… which is not a weakness, but rather an advantage.  By that same token, participating in a second or third 5K event is much higher for the very same reason.   Less distance is often more – if you know what I mean. 

Secondly, the injury risk is much lower in regards to 5K involvement, because the distance covered in training and racing is considerably less than that involved with a marathon… and you’re less likely to over-train for the shorter event as well.

Thirdly, you can still find the time to cross-train effectively with other activities such as weight-lifting, bicycling and swimming when training for the next big 5K event.  This leads to a better health and fitness balance which further reduces your risk of injury and burnout. 

Fourthly, your necessary training time is considerably less leading up to your chosen 5K as mentioned, allowing more time for family, career, hobbies, friends and/or relaxation.  A better life balance…

Another benefit of the 5K distance is the availability of a race… nearly every weekend you can find at least one to participate in somewhere in the valley and many, if not most, are for charity… therefore, they’re tax deductible and you’re helping to further a cause.

Lastly, the marathon training distance and the race distance itself has repeatedly been shown to reduce your immune system and detract from your daily energy as the miles and/or intensity goes up!  I personally don’t care for the drained feeling as the miles go up… and being sick is a big fat waste of time.

Put plainly… the 5K distance is the smart distance for those who want to train intelligently, long-term and for a life-time. 

See you at the next 5K!

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