Weight Training Does NOT Make Us Stronger!
We start to lose natural muscle mass as early as 25 years of age and the amount of muscle mass we lose simply increases with each passing decade. In addition to this, body fat levels change drastically for many of us in our early thirties and myriad injuries increase as well due to the natural aging process. Most of this downward slide can be haulted with intelligent, consistent and progessive weight training.
Yet, weight training does NOT make us stronger, this is a common but untrue notion; weight training simply causes damage to our intended muscle tissue, it’s simply a step in the process to getting stronger. After the muscle damage (or micro-trauma) has occured through resistance training, the proteins we consume and the sleep we get each evening help to continue the convoluted process of making us stronger than we were before we exercised. If the applied methods of resistance are correct in their technique, intensity, duration and frequency positive adaptations will occur in our musculoskeletal system over a period of continued application.
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