Choose Optimism!
Pessimist or Optimist? We can choose the way we think! It’s a personal choice that we make everyday. It’s not our genetics, the environment in which we are exposed or our past experiences (although all of these can have an affect); it’s simply the way we think about ourselves, others and the world. Choose to look for the bad and negative in things and others, we will find it. Choose to look for the good and positive in things and others, we will find it. Whatever we stay focused on, is what we will find! With some work pessimists can become optimists! We can work on that here.
Optimists are generally more successful in achieving greater well being, experience better physical and mental health and adapt better to life’s ups and downs. Pessimists can certainly learn to be more optimistic and benefit as well.
Important to note: pessimism frequently leads to depression; depressed people are frequently pessimists!
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