A Good Fresh Food Resource!
“The Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition: How to Buy, Store, and Prepare Every Variety of Fresh Food”
Product Description
Here is a comprehensive guide to more than 500 fresh and whole foods – all the familiar ones you are likely to find in a supermarket or greengrocer’s, along with more exotic fare, from amaranth to tomatillo. A user-friendly format supplies all the information you need to compare, select, and prepare foods – so that you know you are buying the best for you and your family. Every food entry provides: 1) Latest findings on the links between foods and disease prevention 2) Nutritional profiles showing calories and carbohydrates, protein, fats, fiber and key vitamins and minerals 3) Comprehensive listings of different types and varieties 4) Shopping tips for choosing the freshest foods – and where and when they’re available 5) Best storage methods to preserve taste and nutritional value 6) Cooking and preparation tips for retaining a food’s nutrients 7) Creative serving suggestions that include delicious new ideas along with healthier ways to prepare traditional dishes. Color photographs, charts, cooking glossary, complete nutritional directory, and hundreds of tips, shortcuts and food facts are included.
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