7-Day Training Cycles are Often Too Simple!
Training for weight-loss, stress-reduction, disease prevention, health and fitness? Then the 7-day training cycle is appropriate and works just fine for the majority of active, healthy adults. On the other hand, performance improvements generally require more flexibility than a 7-day training schedule can provide. In other words, the majority of breakthrough or “push your current limit” workouts, whether in resistance or endurance training, are better suited to your body’s schedule, not the 7-day calendar. For example, planning your long running day or speed intervals at your local track, every sunday and wednesday respectively, typically leads to exhaustion and lack of compliance within a few short weeks. Furthermore, a flexible resistance training program is applicable here as well; larger muscles require more time to recover adequately, especially when other muscles and soft tissues are damaged simultaneously or you’re consistently mixing it up with serious endurance training.
The best training method currently? Don’t plan your breakthrough workouts or your heavy resistance training on a rigid training schedule. Remain flexible and listen to your body, modify each important workout appropriately to your current and perceived physical conditions.
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