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Archive for September 11th, 2016

Role Model and Mentor!

“There is a need, in my view, for someone as a standard against which our characters can measure themselves. Without a ruler to do it against, you won’t make the crooked straight.” Seneca

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Real Food, NOT Supplements!


To reduce a naturally grown vegetable or fruit to a reductionist scientific way of thinking, where we tease out one particular vitamin, mineral or antioxidant and attempt to bottle it as a healthy alternative to eating produce, is superficial thinking and wrong-headed – a “stuck in stupid” approach. Life requires, in many instances, a sense of mystery and acceptance of what we don’t know and sometimes can’t know. Believe me when I tell you, current food technology has no idea what makes a fruit or vegetable so healthy for our physiology; so don’t succumb to oversimplifications and fancy bottles, pamphlets and marketing campaigns – simply eat the real thing!

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