Strengthlab on Jan 29th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
The Eat To Live 2011 revised edition includes updated scientific research supporting Dr. Fuhrman’s revolutionary six-week plan and a brand new chapter highlighting Dr. Fuhrman’s discovery of toxic hunger and the role of food addiction in weight issues. This new chapter provides novel and important insights into weight gain. It explains how and why eating the wrong foods causes toxic hunger and the desire to over consume calories; whereas a diet of high micronutrient quality causes true hunger which decreases the sensations leading to food cravings and overeating behaviors. It instructs readers on how to leave behind the discomfort of toxic hunger, cravings, and addictions to unhealthy foods.
New recipes and menus are included as well as new and updated Frequently Asked Questions.
This is a book that will let you live longer, reduce your need for medications, and improve your health dramatically. It is a book that will change the way you want to eat. Most importantly, if you follow the Eat To Live™ diet, you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible.

Strengthlab on Jan 21st 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
Are the personal trainers you’re looking at going to be a trainer a year from now? Were they even trainers a year ago? Staying power is a big deal when you’re looking to build a relationship to help you stay the course. Over 10 years in the same location, over 20 full time years as a Fitness Expert and Personal Trainer! That’s staying power!
Strengthlab on Jan 21st 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
On average, the majority of doctors know as much about nutrition and exercise as the average uninformed and misinformed patient visiting their office. This is not how they make their income, office visits, surgery, drug prescriptions, etc. are their revenue generators. They don’t know this information because it’s not a part of their training, nor does it need to be. Even if they did know something about these subjects, they wouldn’t have the time or incentive to teach it to you.
Strengthlab on Jan 21st 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
Within any subject or field there will be many who do not understand it well enough to discern the good information from the bad; certainly this is forgivable, there simply isn’t enough time and motivation to know everything about all the various fields of endeavor. This is easily understood and widely accepted. But, for those to claim to be experts, instructors, trainers, teachers, leaders and authors within a given field of expertise, who simply do not know what the hell they’re talking about, is simply inexcusable, dishonest and negligent, especially when you’re taking someone’s trust, time, money and most importantly… maybe even their health!
Strengthlab on Jan 16th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
A New Paradigm in Conscious Communication
FINALIST ― SOCIAL CHANGE ― USA Best Books Award 2015
Your reactions to conflict are subconscious, scripted, and for the good of the group.
Conflict happens everywhere: at work, with friends and family, among strangers, and certainly in violence. Why did your boss ignore a suggestion that could save millions of dollars? Why do you have the same argument again and again with your spouse? When someone insults you, why do you get angry? Why do bad guys beat up the weak?
You have three brains.
• Lizard brain (survival)
• Monkey brain (emotion / social status)
• Human brain (reason)
Each “brain” has a different priority and evolved to deal with different kinds of conflict. They work using different scripts and have a very clear seniority system.
Conflict Communication (ConCom) presents a functional taxonomy to see, understand, and manipulate the roots of life’s conflicts. You will have the background, the principles, and a collection of tricks to manage and ideally avoid dangerous conflicts.
No going back. After reading this book, you can never go back. Even if you reject everything in the program, even if you refuse to admit how often your monkey brain has controlled your life, escalations toward conflict will never again be invisible to you.

Strengthlab on Jan 11th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
NUTRITION is the master key to health! Obesity, disability, disease and premature death are all avoidable through proper nutrition. The problem is, most of us have NO idea what proper nutrition is. Eating massive amounts of one macronutrient (protein) is simply unwise!
Strengthlab on Jan 11th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
The antioxidant activity of an apple is 263 times more powerful than the amount of vitamin C contained in the apple would suggest. In other words, the attempt to engineer food (supplements) that’s better in health than the real thing is laughable and disastrous when depended on. Quit wasting your money! That includes the supplement you think is the exception to what I’m saying here.
Strengthlab on Jan 9th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
We have a responsibility to those we love and care for, as well as to those who depend on us, to take care of ourselves. Get with it!
Strengthlab on Jan 9th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
Consuming animal proteins is linked to chronic disorders, disease and premature death. Eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and beans as well as raw nuts and seeds is associated with staying healthy, maintaining proper bodyweight and longevity. Don’t agree with it? Don’t want to listen to or follow the evidence? Suit yourself. But I’ve watched many people change their minds once they get sick, especially the tough talking men. Be smart. Protect your health!
Strengthlab on Jan 5th 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
Mental toughness is essential for elite human performance and especially in high stress situations. While mental toughness is a singular value in both military and law enforcement training and missions, too often, there is a disconnect between talking about and actually training it. Warrior Mindset defines mental toughness and describes its critical need and function in the face of the performance degrading effects of combat, mission or response stress. Warrior Mindset provides the psychological skills that comprise mental toughness to optimize performance, success, safety and survival in the field.

Strengthlab on Jan 3rd 2016 StrengthLab Thoughts
The science in human nutrition is now overwhelmingly clear that there is a fundamental dietary pattern of eating that causes the majority of diseases, and a pattern that nearly eliminates them all! In other words, there is an almost magical approach to weight-loss and health; but it’s not through pills, supplements, low carb diets or surgeries!!! It’s eating a whole food – PLANT BASED DIET – free of animal proteins and processed food that will prevent, arrest, reverse and even cure the majority of disabling conditions and diseases.