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Archive for September 12th, 2015

Finished Reading: A Primer in Positive Psychology

This is still one of the best text books ever written on the subject, in addition, it’s currently the text book used at Penn University where the subject of Positive Psychology was first established. Penn University is considered the premiere location to learn this branch of Psychology.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in life, from birth to death and at all stops in between. It is a newly-christened approach within psychology that takes seriously the examination of that which makes life most worth living. Everyone’s life has peaks and valleys, and positive psychology does not deny the valleys. Its signature premise is more nuanced, but nonetheless important: what is good about life is as genuine as what is bad and, therefore, deserves equal attention from psychologists. Positive psychology as an explicit perspective has existed only since 1998, but enough relevant theory and research now exist to fill a textbook suitable for a semester-long college course.

A Primer in Positive Psychology is thoroughly grounded in scientific research and covers major topics of concern to the field: positive experiences such as pleasure and flow; positive traits such as character strengths, values, and talents; and the social institutions that enable these subjects as well as what recent research might contribute to this knowledge. Every chapter contains exercises that illustrate positive psychology, a glossary, suggestions of articles and books for further reading, and lists of films, websites, and popular songs that embody chapter themes.

A comprehensive overview of positive psychology by one of the acknowledged leaders in the field, this textbook provides students with a thorough introduction to an important area of psychology



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DNA, Genetics and Disease!

The combination of Fitness and Nutrition is a larger predictor of health or disease than your genetics!

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Prescribed Medicine Frequently Kills You!

The third leading cause of death in the United States is prescription drugs (only heart disease and cancer kill more people)! Adverse effects of medicine kill over 100,000 people per year according to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Nutrition and Exercise can remove the need for many, if not most, prescriptions!

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HealthCare? Doctors and Medicine?

The “Health Care System” within the United States should be more accurately called the “Disease Care System”.

The combination of Fitness, Nutrition and Mental Health is more appropriately called the Health Care System!

We can work on that here!


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It’s Not the Popular Diets!

Good nutrition is the master key to human health; the problem is most people do not know what good nutrition is!

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