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Archive for May, 2015

Finished Reading: Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders

The author, Aaron T. Beck, one of the founders of cognitive therapy, provides a comprehensive guide to its theory and practice.


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Choose to be More Positive!

We have the personal capacity to quickly improve our own lives without medication and without therapy. Our biased perceptions (or misconceptions) of events cause the majority of our mental and physical distress; it’s rarely the events themselves or the people centered on these events. Negative thinking and inaccurate assumptions are frequently to blame. However, even if our conception happens to be correct, how we choose to respond to the external stimulus is still up to us.

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Memory Boost!

Research links a memory boost to those who are simply more active; the greater the rise in physical activity the greater the boost!

Forget taking supplements for memory – pun intended – just get moving!

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Finished Reading: Positive Psychology

Great subject, but this book is poorly written in a variety of ways. Skip it! 

Research and Applications of the Science of Happiness and Fulfillment

Positive Psychology

Have you ever wondered:

  • How can I feel truly fulfilled in my life and actions?
  • How can I finally meet my life and career goals?
  • How can I work toward Happiness?
  • How can I turn pessimism to eternal Optimism?

You are in luck

Positive Psychology: Research and Applications of the Science of Happiness and Fulfillment by Jonny Bell provides deep, research-driven analysis and understanding of the new branch of psychology: positive psychology. Positive psychology seeks to fulfill you, to yield true satisfaction in your life. It works to rectify the mundane, to grab your life and shape it into what you’ve always wanted it to be. It lends you the courage to proceed down the path of eternal happiness.

This book’s positive psychology explanation gives way to ultimate, step-by-step instructions on how to achieve true happiness, positive thinking, mindfulness, resilience, and an effortless stream of optimism. The lowest pessimist can rise to the top and reap the health and emotional rewards. This book forces you to stop making excuses. Concentrate. Breathe. Slow your life in order to concentrate on your personal goals, your personal strengths. This book lends you the initial wave into an eternity of success and confidence. You’ll have the ability to speak your mind, conquer your surroundings, and aid your fellow man. Positive psychology is the very thing that will allow you to take this earnest control. Let it. And maintain confidence and joy throughout your entire life.

Topics covered:

  • Comprehending Positive Psychology
  • History of Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology Research Analysis
  • Achieving Happiness
  • Learned Optimism and Hope versus Helplessness
  • Mindfulness: Positive Psychology and Balance
  • Flow: The Drive to Succeed
  • Character Strengths and Virtues
  • Positive Thinking: A Process
  • Resilience and the Strength to Move Forward


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Antioxidant Supplements are not only Junk, they could be Bad for Your Health!

While the majority of personal trainers barely understand antioxidants, perhaps just enough to sell you some worthless supplements; the entire concept has steadily eroded into nonsense. There’s another good article found in Scientific American (Volume 24 Number 1) “The Secrets of Staying Young” is the theme of the issue. The article is called  “The myth of Antioxidants”.

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Personal Responsibility!

If you’re relying on doctors and the medical establishment to cure your illness and disease when your health declines, you certainly need to rethink your strategy.  The medical profession should be used in dire, emergency situations and not relied upon for long-term physical and mental health. The medical professionals that we seek out for assistance have a higher rate of physical and mental disease in many cases than the average American. And as a whole, the medical establishment knows as much about health and fitness as a used car lot. Personal responsibilty for your on-going good health is no one’s obligation but your own. Learn, implement, and maintain your good health through a balanced lifestlye (i.e. whole “real” food nutrition, adequate rest and relaxation, progressive and balanced weight training, consistent brisk movement and an on-going personal spirituality).

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Consider Your Company Carefully!

The law of attraction can go a long way in revealing who and where you are in your life.  In other words, people of the same ilk tend to associate with one another and share the same views and thoughts on life.  It’s no accident that those who find success in life, tend to seek the company of others who are themselves successful.  Those who are on the ragged edge of life seem to seek company of those who are in similar circumstances.  Surrounding yourself with positive, strong and motivated people takes work, it does not happen by accident.  If necessary, take the time and effort to change your company for the better.

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Finished Product?

Losing interest in life frequently rests upon a belief that we know it all – that we’re a finished product. The growth minded know better and remain interested in life because there’s so much left to be interested in. Keep Growing!


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Finished Reading: Mindwise

Why We Misunderstand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want

Why are we sometimes blind to the minds of others, treating them like objects or animals instead? Why do we talk to our cars, or the stars, as if there is a mind that can hear us? Why do we so routinely believe that others think, feel, and want what we do when, in fact, they do not? And why do we think we understand our spouses, family, and friends so much better than we actually do?

In this illuminating book, leading social psychologist Nicholas Epley introduces us to what scientists have learned about our ability to understand the most complicated puzzle on the planet—other people—and the surprising mistakes we so routinely make. Mindwise will not turn others into open books, but it will give you the wisdom to revolutionize how you think about them—and yourself.




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Finished Revisiting: The Happiness Hypothesis

Book Description:

Using the wisdom culled from the world’s greatest civilizations as a foundation, social psychologist Haidt comes to terms with 10 Great Ideas, viewing them through a contemporary filter to learn which of their lessons may still apply to modern lives. He first discusses how the mind works and then examines the Golden Rule (“Reciprocity is the most important tool for getting along with people”). Next, he addresses the issue of happiness itself–where does it come from?–before exploring the conditions that allow growth and development. He also dares to answer the question that haunts most everyone–What is the meaning of life?–by again drawing on ancient ideas and incorporating recent research findings. He concludes with the question of meaning: Why do some find it? Balancing ancient wisdom and modern science, Haidt consults great minds of the past, from Buddha to Lao Tzu and from Plato to Freud


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