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Archive for March 22nd, 2015

Emotional Intelligence!

Emotional intelligence is very important to our overall contentment in life, but what exactly constitutes emotional intelligence? Is it our ability to perceive an emotion accurately and then being able to clearly explain it to others? Is it the ability to recognize the significance of the perception that we’re experiencing and learning from it and then later applying what we’ve learned? Perhaps it’s simply understanding the way that we’re currently feeling, but controlling our behavior for the proper response; instead of letting our emotions get the best of us? Although emotional intelligence may be difficult to clearly define in short order here, a book may be more fitting, we certainly know it when we see it in others. Perhaps the best and shortest definition of emotional intelligence can be summed up succinctly in one word… wisdom; and although they may not be exactly the same by definition, by working on one of these two precious gems you’ll certainly find the other.


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Intelligent Fitness!

Don’t try and fit your body into a random fitness program, the fitness program should fit your body; it should be designed specifically for you in other words.

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Mind and Body!

Reading a well written book or having a meaningful conversation nearly everday is to the mind as exercising is to the body; both keep you sharp and in shape.

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