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Archive for August, 2013

“Dependent” in a Meaningful Way!

Healthy, well balanced people realize that they”re not even remotely independent; this is a misdirected life-goal that’s not desirable or even achievable. Dependent in “meaningful” ways is an important and integral part of living well.

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Extended Adolescence!

Childhood is certainly challenging for kids in our culture, but parents and adults who haven’t completed the work of adolescence or continue to extend their adolescence well into adulthood, make growing up more complicated for many kids.

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Consequences for wise decisions made are sometimes slow to arrive, but arrive they eventually do; consequences for poor decisions made are sometimes slow to arrive as well, but arrive they eventually do. What consequences will your current decisions be bringing you?


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Finished Reading: You Are Not So Smart

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself

An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise, based on the popular blog of the same name.
Whether you’re deciding which smartphone to purchase or which politician to believe, you think you are a rational being whose every decision is based on cool, detached logic. But here’s the truth: You are not so smart. You’re just as deluded as the rest of us, but that’s okay, because being deluded is part of being human. Growing out of David McRaney’s popular blog, You Are Not So Smart reveals that every decision we make, every thought we contemplate, and every emotion we feel comes with a story we tell ourselves to explain them. But often these stories aren’t true. Each short chapter—covering topics such as Learned Helplessness, Selling Out, and the Illusion of Transparency—is like a psychology course with all the boring parts taken out.
Bringing together popular science and psychology with humor and wit, You Are Not So Smart is a celebration of our irrational, thoroughly human behavior.



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Success is “Better” not “More”!

In our culture “success” is certainly the grand universal goal but it’s unfortunately defined in precepts such as “more” money, more power or more status. Perhaps success could be more wisely defined in precepts such as “better” education, better relationships or better self-mastery?

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