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Archive for February, 2013

Finished Reading: Choice Theory

Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom

Amazon.com Review:

Southern California psychiatrist William Glasser, the author of Reality Therapy, believes that almost all human misery is caused by people trying to control others. In
fact, he says, the only behavior we can control is our own; by the same token, no one can make us do anything we don’t want to. It’s only when we give up spending our energy trying to force others to conform to our ideas or to keep them from doing the same to us that we are able to live the way we want to.

Dr. William Glasser offers a new psychology that, if practiced, could reverse our widespread inability to get along with one another, an inability that is the source of almost all unhappiness.

For progress in human relationships, he explains that we must give up the punishing, relationship–destroying external control psychology. For example, if you are in an unhappy relationship right now, he proposes that one or both of you could be using external control psychology on the other. He goes further. And suggests that misery is always related to a current unsatisfying relationship. Contrary to what you may believe, your troubles are always now, never in the past. No one can change what happened yesterday.



Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom

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Dr. Oz Disclaimer!

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a legitimate cardiothoracic surgeon, who just happens to host an eponymous television show that’s filled with various products, procedures, ideas and advice. He admittedly does not use the vast majority of products, procedures, ideas and advice discussed on his show. I strongly recommend that you do the same.

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Time Exposes Weaknesses!

The passing of time, year upon year, has a cruel way of exposing our weaknesses; whether they be physical or mental in nature. Because many self-improvements take a great deal of time, best to determine the areas that require work now, and take the necessary steps to strengthen them before they are truly needed.

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Marketing doesn’t get results, it never has and it never will, it simply gets your money; if you choose marketing over craftsman, you’ll certainly get what you pay for…

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