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Archive for May 10th, 2012

Are Children’s Vaccinations Necessary or Even Safe?

The case for vaccinating children against childhood diseases is more than clear today and the reasons against it are no longer valid. 

Childhood vaccinations do not cause autism… this has been thoroughly debunked (for more on this topic: https://strengthlab.net/?p=3323). 

Moreover, thimerasol a common preservative used in previous generations of vaccinations (that contained trace amounts of mercury) has been eliminated from vaccines due to health concerns surrounding the mercury.

If enough parents refuse to provide immunization protection for their children, we will experience once again just how dreadful polio, tetanus, diphtheria or measles really are…

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Is Sugar Toxic?

Excess consumption of sugar can take a serious toll on your health if you are inactive…

Here’s more from a recent “60 Minutes” on CBS: 


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Best to Workout in the Morning? MYTH!

It’s complete fiction that exercising first thing in the morning is best for weightloss! In fact, the best time to workout is when you want to… or, second best, when you have the time to.

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