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Archive for December 15th, 2011

StrengthLab Coffee Mug!

The StrengthLab coffee mug is here!

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Finished Reading: Emotional Intelligence 2.0

Currently Reading: Emotional Intelligence 2.0


Emotional Intelligence 2.0


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Self Awareness!

One important aspect of “Self-Awareness” is understanding what works for us… and what doesn’t work for us.

For instance, willingly exposing ourselves to a situation (or personality) that we know brings out the worst in our emotions, is a good example of poor self-awareness.

We can either learn to control the negative emotions associated with the aforementioned experience and follow through with it, as a result of this new found control, or simply make the definitive decision to side step the experience altogether in order to remain emotionally stable and intact.

Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is an integral portion of being self-aware.

Of course your current weaknesses don’t have to remain weaknesses, but you have to be able to acknowledge them before you can improve them.

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